Kiiruma | 2023-12-20 21:30:28 UTC | #3801 Yeah I was outed already. Outed when you decided you wanted to do science and then wolves decided to just ruin it :upside_down_face: ------------------------- baker | 2023-12-20 21:30:44 UTC | #3802 [quote="tutuu, post:3796, topic:6749, full:true"] why? [/quote] kii always does his own thing ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:30:51 UTC | #3803 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]sorc17er :P [/FONT] ------------------------- Cape90 | 2023-12-20 21:30:54 UTC | #3804 yeah i thought these... esp bionic were kinda towny this was opening ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:31:07 UTC | #3805 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]im so sorry [/FONT] ------------------------- RoseRedWitch | 2023-12-20 21:31:15 UTC | #3806 _Oh my god it's happening_ ------------------------- Treasure | 2023-12-20 21:31:22 UTC | #3807 [quote="neil_the_eel, post:3766, topic:6749, full:true"] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]treasure stick dies at end of die i think shes kinda garunteed not a wolf[/FONT] [/quote] Oh yeah that’s right. She implied something like that earlier. ------------------------- May | 2023-12-20 21:31:28 UTC | #3808 I'm going to get. Breakfast ------------------------- Kiiruma | 2023-12-20 21:31:31 UTC | #3809 Holy shit we're fucking doing it aaaaaaa ------------------------- May | 2023-12-20 21:31:49 UTC | #3810 If you fucking clowns do ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING, while I am getting my sandwich, I swear to god ------------------------- GalacticCouncil | 2023-12-20 21:31:55 UTC | #3811 # War Chart (so far) |Defender|Aggressor|Attackers| |--|--|--| |Icet|tutuu|May, Sneakyphoenix, Bradland |otterpopd|neil_the_eel|Zug, an_gorta_slanktia, Haze |Leafia|KILLIZA|Treasure, Icet |neil_the_eel|RoseRedWitch|Kiiruma, otterpopd ------------------------- Stick | 2023-12-20 21:31:59 UTC | #3812 [quote="otterpopd, post:3800, topic:6749, full:true"] sighhh okay i tr both rose and kiiruma and i dont want them to die /declare war niel the eel @GalacticCouncil [/quote] literally 1984 ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:31:59 UTC | #3813 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]uhhh if otter doesnt exactly die here im pretty much dead lmfao.[/FONT] ------------------------- Treasure | 2023-12-20 21:32:01 UTC | #3814 [quote="Stick, post:3769, topic:6749"] because if that wasnt you then it was 100% the mafia and i am clear rn [/quote] How much kill power would mafia have though? And no that wasn’t me. ------------------------- RoseRedWitch | 2023-12-20 21:32:08 UTC | #3815 Also crazy question- why are we leaving Bionic of all people alive? ------------------------- tutuu | 2023-12-20 21:32:11 UTC | #3816 stick was going to science check kiiruma. if kiiruma is mafia he is living on borrowed time. its not wild to think he'd openwolf to ita a villager imo @baker ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:32:27 UTC | #3817 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]also like what the fuck. theyre not. dying if i dont die. ugh[/FONT] ------------------------- tutuu | 2023-12-20 21:32:35 UTC | #3818 hes town pls trust ------------------------- Kiiruma | 2023-12-20 21:32:53 UTC | #3819 Cool Neil has a 56% chance of dying rn (My ability) I have a 6% chance. Rose / Otter have a 1% chance. ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:33:02 UTC | #3820 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]i should probably reveal my event prize at this point tbh but i kinda dont wnat to[/FONT] ------------------------- RoseRedWitch | 2023-12-20 21:33:10 UTC | #3821 After the shit he said yesterday? What's your read about? XD ------------------------- Treasure | 2023-12-20 21:33:18 UTC | #3822 [quote="Sneakyphoenix, post:3781, topic:6749, full:true"] scumread for trying to defend IceT, telling us to try and declare war on just anyone to get attention away from arctic's list, and jumping on a war train and insisting it's pure [/quote] Defending IceT? If Leafia is a wolf, I don’t think Ice is from how they voted it with me. ------------------------- Frostwolf103 | 2023-12-20 21:33:20 UTC | #3823 Sheev is around the corner ------------------------- Stick | 2023-12-20 21:33:20 UTC | #3824 [quote="Treasure, post:3814, topic:6749"] How much kill power would mafia have though? And no that wasn’t me. [/quote] yeah it does seem excessive. i suppose the shot on apprentice couldve been a hero shot but unsure. if not then the village probably has some KP as well, to counter this. or a sufficient number of protective roles. ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:33:32 UTC | #3825 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]sheev?[/FONT] ------------------------- baker | 2023-12-20 21:33:35 UTC | #3826 [quote="tutuu, post:3816, topic:6749, full:true"] stick was going to science check kiiruma. if kiiruma is mafia he is living on borrowed time. its not wild to think he’d openwolf to ita a villager imo @baker [/quote] stick said they will save it for ITA3 and didnt specify saving it for Kii ------------------------- tutuu | 2023-12-20 21:33:51 UTC | #3827 hm. maybe not the most logical thing. its just bionic. he a bit wild. a lot of my townreads agreed. im listening to them ------------------------- Stick | 2023-12-20 21:33:59 UTC | #3828 i cant be a scientist anymore...i have to use my shot to Kill ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:34:00 UTC | #3829 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]pre annoucement it was gonna be on kiiruma[/FONT] ------------------------- Cape90 | 2023-12-20 21:34:02 UTC | #3830 what in the world are you saying? ------------------------- Frostwolf103 | 2023-12-20 21:34:16 UTC | #3831 ![image|498x207](upload://xYYrZC0nXdK8GLI3vsACuq7DJsL.png) ------------------------- Stick | 2023-12-20 21:34:23 UTC | #3832 and i have a boosted % to Kill so it should be nice ------------------------- Treasure | 2023-12-20 21:34:31 UTC | #3833 [quote="otterpopd, post:3800, topic:6749, full:true"] sighhh okay i tr both rose and kiiruma and i dont want them to die /declare war niel the eel @GalacticCouncil [/quote] I do think Niel has a chance to hit. I’m kinda NAI on them personally ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:34:35 UTC | #3834 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]anyways im a lover so the kill on me is even more egregious [/FONT] ------------------------- Cape90 | 2023-12-20 21:34:36 UTC | #3835 oh this answers that i bad at mech ------------------------- Kiiruma | 2023-12-20 21:34:39 UTC | #3836 I was outed (In that my claim was outed). I'm a towny who has +5% chance to kill as an attacker. But +5% chance to be killed in war too ------------------------- Stick | 2023-12-20 21:35:02 UTC | #3837 WTF NOOO whyd you reveal this smh ------------------------- Cape90 | 2023-12-20 21:35:03 UTC | #3838 ic ic ------------------------- Frostwolf103 | 2023-12-20 21:35:12 UTC | #3839 Thats the...event price? ------------------------- Zugzwang | 2023-12-20 21:35:12 UTC | #3840 oh ------------------------- baker | 2023-12-20 21:35:15 UTC | #3841 what ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:35:19 UTC | #3842 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]because im lying lol[/FONT] ------------------------- Cape90 | 2023-12-20 21:35:39 UTC | #3843 ![|498x498]( ------------------------- tutuu | 2023-12-20 21:35:49 UTC | #3844 now this is the mafia experience i signed up for ![|498x278]( ------------------------- Stick | 2023-12-20 21:35:57 UTC | #3845 [quote="neil_the_eel, post:3834, topic:6749, full:true"] anyways im a lover so the kill on me is even more egregious [/quote] if you survive this war theyll attack you again to get two villas. if youre town then your lover is 100% a villager unless all three of your attackers are villagers ------------------------- Treasure | 2023-12-20 21:36:00 UTC | #3846 If Leafia and Niel flips wolves I expect to be lock town tomorrow. ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:36:00 UTC | #3847 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]my event prize was that i was able to copy a persons role and i copied tutuus. i have @tutuu's role for the day in addition to my own[/FONT] ------------------------- RoseRedWitch | 2023-12-20 21:36:00 UTC | #3848 [quote="tutuu, post:3827, topic:6749"] maybe not the most logical thing. [/quote] YA THINK?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'll leave him for now tho. Thin ice. ------------------------- Zugzwang | 2023-12-20 21:36:01 UTC | #3849 i may have looked at the ceiling :skull: ------------------------- tutuu | 2023-12-20 21:36:29 UTC | #3850 OOOH so thats why u wanted to do the thing u wanted to WAIT NEIL U CAN STILL LIVE. do u have 3 other people helping u in ur war? ------------------------- RoseRedWitch | 2023-12-20 21:36:31 UTC | #3851 Oh what's his role? ------------------------- Stick | 2023-12-20 21:36:31 UTC | #3852 [quote="neil_the_eel, post:3847, topic:6749, full:true"] my event prize was that i was able to copy a persons role and i copied tutuus. i have @tutuu’s role for the day in addition to my own [/quote] gosh my event prize sucked in comparison ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:36:33 UTC | #3853 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]xD. i love reactions[/FONT] ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:36:46 UTC | #3854 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]YEAH LMFAO[/FONT] ------------------------- tutuu | 2023-12-20 21:37:03 UTC | #3855 LETS GO. ROLL THE DICE BABY. ROLL THE DICE. U GOT THIS. U FEELING LUCKY? ------------------------- an_gorta_slanktai | 2023-12-20 21:37:05 UTC | #3856 and do you think it's villagery? ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:37:13 UTC | #3857 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]that he smells. xD i did 2 modposts today lol[/FONT] ------------------------- RoseRedWitch | 2023-12-20 21:37:20 UTC | #3858 Definitely a better question ------------------------- Frostwolf103 | 2023-12-20 21:37:28 UTC | #3859 Why the actual duxk are you copying Tutuu for ------------------------- RoseRedWitch | 2023-12-20 21:37:33 UTC | #3860 Huh fair. ------------------------- Cape90 | 2023-12-20 21:37:40 UTC | #3861 i believe tutuu was outed modposter from day 1. Kinda makes me think neil is town because why would wolves want to copy that unless they really didn't know even though tutuu made it obvious? ------------------------- an_gorta_slanktai | 2023-12-20 21:37:47 UTC | #3862 ohhh wait it was the modpost thing. jesus ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:38:07 UTC | #3863 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]i was told that it'd be changed if i selected a kp role or a role from a mafia so like meh but like i think hes fine anyways[/FONT] ------------------------- Treasure | 2023-12-20 21:38:17 UTC | #3864 [quote="neil_the_eel, post:3857, topic:6749, full:true"] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]that he smells. xD i did 2 modposts today lol[/FONT] [/quote] Figure if it wasn’t Tutuu it was you or Stick. ------------------------- Stick | 2023-12-20 21:38:12 UTC | #3865 [quote="Cape90, post:3861, topic:6749, full:true"] i believe tutuu was outed modposter from day 1. Kinda makes me think neil is town because why would wolves want to copy that unless they really didn’t know even though tutuu made it obvious? [/quote] yup. neil is town like i have been saying and the 3 people that attacked it are all outed wolves ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:38:26 UTC | #3866 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]modposting is fun[/FONT] ------------------------- Kiiruma | 2023-12-20 21:38:29 UTC | #3867 Lmao k ------------------------- Cape90 | 2023-12-20 21:38:31 UTC | #3868 oh event prize still ------------------------- tutuu | 2023-12-20 21:38:48 UTC | #3869 have faith stick. lets hold hands together and sing kumbaya. neil knows what im talking about. ITS NOT OVER YET ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:38:59 UTC | #3870 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]dude frankly if youre a villager here im really upset with your gameplay at the current moment and i think you shoiuld reflect on that[/FONT] ------------------------- Stick | 2023-12-20 21:39:03 UTC | #3871 [quote="neil_the_eel, post:3863, topic:6749, full:true"] i was told that it’d be changed if i selected a kp role or a role from a mafia so like meh but like i think hes fine anyways [/quote] so youre hard clearing tutuu as well. pog. we couldve used a clear on someone more suspicious but we take it :wowee: ------------------------- Kiiruma | 2023-12-20 21:39:16 UTC | #3872 I think my character's pretty provable. Might I suggest just not shooting today @Stick since then you'd live I think? ------------------------- baker | 2023-12-20 21:39:26 UTC | #3873 so neil was amnesiac on tutuu right? ------------------------- Frostwolf103 | 2023-12-20 21:39:37 UTC | #3874 Yeah, posting imperial inqusition from WH4K was fun too on FAM2 Get on my level ------------------------- Treasure | 2023-12-20 21:39:40 UTC | #3875 Wolf ------------------------- an_gorta_slanktai | 2023-12-20 21:39:40 UTC | #3876 sorta ------------------------- Stick | 2023-12-20 21:40:19 UTC | #3877 [quote="Kiiruma, post:3872, topic:6749, full:true"] I think my character’s pretty provable. Might I suggest just not shooting today @Stick since then you’d live I think? [/quote] i die immediately if i shoot in ITAs, and if not then i die at the end of the day thoughts on this potential derp, friends? ------------------------- Kiiruma | 2023-12-20 21:40:34 UTC | #3878 Mate I'm a villager here and to be honest with you.. frankly idc to reflect on my gameplay. I have read the thread, read people's posts and I've decided what I've thought to be the correct move. I believe that you're wolf. Therefore I've decided to shoot you. ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:40:44 UTC | #3879 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]eh it wouldnt rlly work as a hard clear so i needed to chose soemone who revealed stuff abt their role itt to see if it matched[/FONT] ------------------------- Treasure | 2023-12-20 21:40:49 UTC | #3880 [quote="Frostwolf103, post:3859, topic:6749, full:true"] Why the actual duxk are you copying Tutuu for [/quote] Why did Frost question this again? ------------------------- Kiiruma | 2023-12-20 21:40:57 UTC | #3881 Wait, I thought you die *if you shoot* at the end of that ITA phase. ------------------------- Frostwolf103 | 2023-12-20 21:41:14 UTC | #3882 What do you mean again ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:41:30 UTC | #3883 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]yeah but u wrong + im obv villa + lolwillage + ratio + i wanted to be friends + this is fucking annoying + HAVE YOU EVER FUCKING MASHED BEFORE????[/FONT] ------------------------- baker | 2023-12-20 21:41:30 UTC | #3884 inb4 stick never dies ------------------------- Treasure | 2023-12-20 21:41:39 UTC | #3885 [quote="Kiiruma, post:3878, topic:6749"] idc to reflect on my gameplay. [/quote] Sounds like a skill issue. I always wish to improve myself. ------------------------- Kiiruma | 2023-12-20 21:41:59 UTC | #3886 Fascinating. You went from being sure I was town to the opposite pretty quickly lol. I'm still just saying what I've thought is best for town. ------------------------- Stick | 2023-12-20 21:42:14 UTC | #3887 [quote="Kiiruma, post:3881, topic:6749, full:true"] Wait, I thought you die *if you shoot* at the end of that ITA phase. [/quote] yea i die at the end of the specific ita window if i shoot (i.e. almost immediately by processing time) and if i holster then i die at the end of the day, like a poison ------------------------- Treasure | 2023-12-20 21:42:18 UTC | #3888 [quote="Frostwolf103, post:3882, topic:6749, full:true"] What do you mean again [/quote] Who would you have chosen? What’s wrong with choosing TuTuu? ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:42:52 UTC | #3889 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]like sincerely the point of all the fucking ita shot coordination is so that we do NOT HAVE bullshit hero shots like this. and if you are village, you're contributing to a failed play and this lack of coordination is what gets villagers ROLLED in mashes.[/FONT] ------------------------- otterpopd | 2023-12-20 21:43:20 UTC | #3890 [quote="Stick, post:3887, topic:6749, full:true"] [quote="Kiiruma, post:3881, topic:6749"] Wait, I thought you die *if you shoot* at the end of that ITA phase. [/quote] yea i die at the end of the specific ita window if i shoot (i.e. almost immediately by processing time) and if i holster then i die at the end of the day, like a poison [/quote] ??? when did this happen didnt you want to shoot before ------------------------- Treasure | 2023-12-20 21:43:30 UTC | #3891 This is Town. ------------------------- Zugzwang | 2023-12-20 21:43:37 UTC | #3892 mmmmmmmmmm according to the raw text page it was made 47 seconds after kii's last post kinda doubt it would be faked with that little time but i've also seen mafia be clueless about mech, like, *really* badly (way worse than this) i'd say it's >rand town but barely ------------------------- Sneakyphoenix | 2023-12-20 21:43:58 UTC | #3893 is it just me side-eying how treasure came out swinging against organizing wars around a few targets we know we want dead instead of blind fire and justifying afterwards? and then a war breaks out against neil not long after [quote="Treasure, post:3666, topic:6749, full:true"] If I target 3 players the chance of potentially killing a wolf is 7% If we target 13 players the chance of potentially killing a wolf is 54% [/quote] like. am i insane for thinking this is a wolf trying to cause chaos. [quote="Treasure, post:3653, topic:6749, full:true"] You all suck at math. If you only target 3 players, due to the amount of mafia alive, they can redirect you to all 3 town [/quote] also this feels kind of TMI even without the leaps in logic ------------------------- Kiiruma | 2023-12-20 21:44:00 UTC | #3894 Hey let's be honest, I have nothing against being friends with you. Mafia is a game in which we make reads, we can be wrong, sure and I very much could be here. I don't mean to hurt your feelings and make you upset, so you think I'd not want to be friends or something. I'm doing what I think is best for my alignment which is killing someone I thought isn't part of my alignment. And yes, I've played several mashes. ------------------------- Frostwolf103 | 2023-12-20 21:44:18 UTC | #3895 If I had the event prize like this, I would have used like someone who suspects me. ------------------------- baker | 2023-12-20 21:44:29 UTC | #3896 sneaky town ------------------------- RoseRedWitch | 2023-12-20 21:44:39 UTC | #3897 Honestly I didn't see that when I warred Neil lol ------------------------- Frostwolf103 | 2023-12-20 21:44:46 UTC | #3898 Niels also answered the question for me by the way ------------------------- Treasure | 2023-12-20 21:45:02 UTC | #3899 [quote="Stick, post:3887, topic:6749, full:true"] [quote="Kiiruma, post:3881, topic:6749, full:true"] Wait, I thought you die *if you shoot* at the end of that ITA phase. [/quote] yea i die at the end of the specific ita window if i shoot (i.e. almost immediately by processing time) and if i holster then i die at the end of the day, like a poison [/quote] What stops Apprentice from being Town Poisoner? ------------------------- neil_the_eel | 2023-12-20 21:45:11 UTC | #3900 [FONT=Comic Sans MS]thanks but thats not helping the fact that this is literally a doomed game if people like otter/rose/kiiruma are villagers and keep pulling this[/FONT] -------------------------