it’s EoD now
Chair of Deception- Game Thread (4/17) - Game Over! Unshackled, Trickster, and the Decadent King win
i claim the pelt
I claim the intestines
End of Day 3 Vote Count
Voted | Voters | Votes |
clonedcheese | Jarek ![]() |
5/5 |
sand | clonedcheese (#5447), Aelin (#6041) | 2/5 |
Jarek ![]() |
Arctic (#6046) | 1/5 |
[Not voting] | Amelia | 1 |
If any of these votes are missing or wrong, ping the host in your classcard. You have 5 minutes.
One day we’ll get flavour…one day, either way this spot is reserved for it.
@clonedcheese got thrown in the Sarlac Pit and melted away in the stomach of the beast, they were…
The Prophet
Azure Dragoon Support
Divine Providence (Night) - Give a player death immunity tonight. If you die, you will attack them instead. Cannot target the same player on consecutive nights. - Infinite Uses
Rapture (Night) - If the target player is attacked, you will die in their place instead. If you die in any way when using this ability, you will create a permanent chat with your target and not be added to dead chat as long as they live. - Infinite UsesDefeat the Unshackled or Cult and any Neutral Evils.
The Book of Clonedcheese Fett
yall suck lmao
Atlas/orange/capy/jarek sus
Night 3 Begins and will last 24 hours or until 2022-01-18T23:00:00Z. Night skipping is also now enabled, to skip the night please type /skipnight in your rolecard. Actions will be locked 1 hour before Night 3 ends
Night 3 has ended 30 minutes earlier (actions have been locked for 30 minutes already)
@Jarek drank down a few gallons of poison for some reason and, unsurpisingly, died! They were…
The Good Lord
Azure Dragoon Special
Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next lord will be held at start of the next day.
Head of State (Passive) - You have access to the following effects:
- Immune to roleblocking and redirection.
- Your abilities will not be seen by investigative abilities.
- You can use both day abilities in the same day.
- In instances of a tied vote where the tie does not include no execution, the player you have voted will take priority for execution.
Counsel (Day) - The target of tonight’s Guard (if any) will be conversion immune for the night and the following one. - 1 use
Allies (Day) - Choose up to two players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. - 2 UsesGuard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Order Execution (Night) - Kill a player. Bypasses death immunity. - 1 use (First Lord Only.)Defeat the Unshackled or Cult and any Neutral Evils.
Jarek's Final Journey
I know you’re not gonna side with us arctic, but please side with us anyway. Would be really cool
I know you won’t but you could. Town are Gorta/Aelin/Capybara, bite those and you’ll have a win
Day 4 has begun and will end in around 48 hours and 30 minutes or at 2022-01-20T23:00:00Z or when majority is reached. However before that there must be an election for a new Lord that will take 12 hours. Votes will be done in classcard. You can still vote for a players execution during this time as well anyway.
is no one going to speak?
we vote Amelia today
might’ve vaguely fucked up
what is it?
i investigated amelia
theyre infected with vampirism, gorta
yes, we knew that
people who have vampirism show up as not suspicious to me regardless of their alignment
listen, we know Amelia is evil if you are good