You’re wildly confbiased or evil and failing to take my posts in even decent faith here

or sleep deprived

I understand it looks like garbage for me to call a greenchecked player evil but Magnus has been arguing wrong this entire time they’ve been suspecting me

if magnus is actually the summoner this will be much more funny


for now

VOTE: Kelsier
VOTE: Jarek

in order of preference

It’s off and it feels like agenda. Magnus, you’ve told me in the past that you have a policy of treating people as Good while talking to them direcrly, because there’s no point trying to convince somebody they’re evil. This is a good policy! Do you think you’ve dropped that here? If so, why?

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Magnus/carbonated is the world I’ve been thinking in my mind

wait was Carbonated confirming Magnus

Indirectly. The Cannibal confirms me.

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yeah, that was my impression

Crazynuto claimed a Steward greencheck on Magnus IIRC which would come from being poisoned by an evil execution

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(In this world)

yeah I forgot about that

FTR I think Magnus is 80% Good. But if they’re Good there’s an outside reason (or just reallt intense confbias) they’re treating me unusually here

Rand is 73% without a Summoner or 80% with one so this isn’t that high

nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa trying to talk around the roleclaims and say things without saying them is painful

I would also like to reiterate that I have been moving and I get sick every time I move because I have a really bad dust allergy and I did not sleep last night because of aforementioned illness. If anybody’s case for me being evil rests on being “weird” please consider this alternate explanation


If Carbonated and I were both evil, who else would be?
I knew Litten’s role, so it’s plausible I could’ve passed on a message; but in that case, Carbonated would have to be the Witch or Godfather. The latter is more expendable and follows the Outsider count.

But then Kelsier also needs to be evil, it’s just mechanically required in this position. I did speak to Kelsier, yep. But what’s my endgoal then?

What do you mean, what’s your end goal? Win???

I spoke to Kelsier, which means if I was the Summoner, we would’ve passed on bluffs. There shouldn’t have been a double claim existing all the way until present.