no cats allowed beside me

and magnus

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I’m breaking down whispers from D2, gimme a bit.
You can talk to Zug, I intend to leverage claims from everybody since I’m borderline confirmed good in every world.

I can go back to being a wolf :wolf_woah:

/whisper Litten

Yes on the Red Herring, I don’t see why not on the Balloonist but I’ve never seen it in practice.

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I’m not a cat, Zug just wants to be a gossipmonger presumably.

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nyaaaaaa I was also gonna claim to you

I know slightly more than you right now and you will get instant gratification from a whisper

The second kill was probably an assassin, rignt?

I mean I did list the possibilities.

I’ve found that I’ve asked Litten to speak with Zug multiple times this game and he just kept doing it despite presumably having nothing more to ask. That’s hilarious.

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please refrain from this type of language :pensive:

Basically why I’m not chatting with them

hey litten can you speak with zug for me

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pwease :point_right: :point_left:

D1 Steward’s ledger

:hibiscus: Sunrise (+0 Hours)
:sunflower: Morning (+7 Hours)
:tophat: Midday (+13 Hours)
:label: Noon (+19 Hours)

Whisper Registry 🌺
:yellow_heart: [1] Magnus
~ ~
Jarek (14mins) Litten (12mins) May (49mins) Hazard (45mins) Lotte (16mins) Zug (53mins)
:yellow_heart: [2] Jarek
~ ~
Magnus (14mins) Zug (24mins)
:heart: [3] Litten
~ ~
Magnus (12mins) Hazard (14mins)
:yellow_heart: [4] Hazard
~ ~
Chomp (4mins) May (37mins) Litten (14mins) Magnus (45mins)
:heart: [5] Carbon
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [6] Guava
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [7] Kelsier
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [8] Kiiruma
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [9] Icet
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [10] Nuto
~ ~
Chomp (7mins) Lotte (24mins)
:yellow_heart: [11] Chomp
~ ~
Hazard (4mins) Nuto (7mins)
:yellow_heart: [12] Lotte
~ ~
Magnus (16mins) Nuto (24mins) Silviu (26mins)
:yellow_heart: [13] Zug
~ ~
May (1hr, 30mins) Magnus (53mins) Jarek (24mins)
:yellow_heart: [14] May
~ ~
Hazard (37mins) Magnus (49mins) Zug (1hr, 30mins)
:yellow_heart: [15] Silviu
~ ~
Lotte (26mins)
Whisper Registry 🌻
:yellow_heart: [1] Magnus
~ ~
Silviu (1hr, 32mins) Kelsier (7mins) Silviu (1hr, 50mins)
:yellow_heart: [2] Jarek
~ ~
Litten (4mins)
:heart: [3] Litten
~ ~
Jarek (4mins) Silviu (20mins) Zug (6mins)
:yellow_heart: [4] Hazard
~ ~
:heart: [5] Carbon
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [6] Guava
~ ~
Silviu (11mins)
:yellow_heart: [7] Kelsier
~ ~
Magnus (7mins) Silviu (40mins)
:yellow_heart: [8] Kiiruma
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [9] Icet
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [10] Nuto
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [11] Chomp
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [12] Lotte
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [13] Zug
~ ~
Litten (6mins)
:yellow_heart: [14] May
~ ~
Silviu (29mins)
:yellow_heart: [15] Silviu
~ ~
Magnus (1hr, 32mins) May (29mins) Kelsier (40mins) Guava (11mins) Litten (20mins) Magnus (1hr, 50mins)
Whisper Registry 🎩
:yellow_heart: [1] Magnus
~ ~
Zug (8mins) Carbon (13mins) Icet (23mins)
:yellow_heart: [2] Jarek
~ ~
:heart: [3] Litten
~ ~
May (40mins)
:yellow_heart: [4] Hazard
~ ~
Zug (7mins)
:heart: [5] Carbon
~ ~
Magnus (13mins) Silviu (40mins) Lotte (18mins) Zug (22mins)
:yellow_heart: [6] Guava
~ ~
Zug (2hrs, 12mins)
:yellow_heart: [7] Kelsier
~ ~
Nuto (24mins)
:yellow_heart: [8] Kiiruma
~ ~
Silviu (28mins) May (26mins)
:yellow_heart: [9] Icet
~ ~
Magnus (23mins)
:yellow_heart: [10] Nuto
~ ~
Silviu (26mins) Kelsier (24mins)
:yellow_heart: [11] Chomp
~ ~
Silviu (44mins)
:yellow_heart: [12] Lotte
~ ~
Carbon (18mins)
:yellow_heart: [13] Zug
~ ~
Magnus (8mins) Silviu (39mins) Hazard (7mins) Carbon (22mins) Silviu (12mins) Guava (2hrs, 12mins)
:yellow_heart: [14] May
~ ~
Silviu (14mins) Kiiruma (26mins) Litten (40mins)
:yellow_heart: [15] Silviu
~ ~
Zug (39mins) Kiiruma (28mins) Carbon (40mins) Nuto (26mins) Chomp (44mins) Zug (12mins) May (14mins)
Whisper Registry 🏷️
:yellow_heart: [1] Magnus
~ ~
May (22mins) Jarek (9mins) Litten, May (1hr, 20mins)
:yellow_heart: [2] Jarek
~ ~
Silviu (20mins) Magnus (9mins)
:heart: [3] Litten
~ ~
Kiiruma (45mins) Magnus, May (1hr, 20mins)
:yellow_heart: [4] Hazard
~ ~
:heart: [5] Carbon
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [6] Guava
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [7] Kelsier
~ ~
Zug (17mins)
:yellow_heart: [8] Kiiruma
~ ~
Litten (45mins)
:yellow_heart: [9] Icet
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [10] Nuto
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [11] Chomp
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [12] Lotte
~ ~
May (50mins)
:yellow_heart: [13] Zug
~ ~
Kelsier (17mins) May (36mins)
:yellow_heart: [14] May
~ ~
Zug (36mins) Lotte (50mins) Magnus (22mins) Magnus, Litten (1hr, 20mins)
:yellow_heart: [15] Silviu
~ ~
Jarek (20mins)

D2 Steward’s ledger

:hibiscus: Sunrise (+0 Hours)
:sunflower: Morning (+7 Hours)
:tophat: Midday (+13 Hours)
:label: Noon (+19 Hours)

Whisper Registry 🌺
:yellow_heart: [1] Magnus
~ ~
Lotte (33mins) Litten (2hr, 23mins) Hazard (17mins) Litten (10mins) Silviu (42mins)
:yellow_heart: [2] Jarek
~ ~
Litten (5mins) Nuto, Lotte (20mins)
:headstone: [3] Litten
~ ~
Zug (18mins) Chomp (11mins) Icet (8mins) Jarek (5mins) Magnus (2hr, 23mins) Magnus (10mins)
:yellow_heart: [4] Hazard
~ ~
Icet (39mins) Magnus (17mins)
:headstone: [5] Carbon
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [6] Guava
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [7] Kelsier
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [8] Kiiruma
~ ~
Kiiruma (46mins)
:yellow_heart: [9] Icet
~ ~
Hazard (39mins) Litten (8mins)
:yellow_heart: [10] Nuto
~ ~
Jarek, Lotte (20mins)
:yellow_heart: [11] Chomp
~ ~
Litten (11mins)
:yellow_heart: [12] Lotte
~ ~
Magnus (33mins) Jarek, Nuto (20mins) Kiiruma (46mins) Silviu (14mins)
:yellow_heart: [13] Zug
~ ~
Litten (18mins)
:yellow_heart: [14] May
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [15] Silviu
~ ~
Lotte (14mins) Magnus (42mins)
Whisper Registry 🌻
:yellow_heart: [1] Magnus
~ ~
May (1hr, 4mins)
:yellow_heart: [2] Jarek
~ ~
:headstone: [3] Litten
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [4] Hazard
~ ~
:headstone: [5] Carbon
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [6] Guava
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [7] Kelsier
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [8] Kiiruma
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [9] Icet
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [10] Nuto
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [11] Chomp
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [12] Lotte
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [13] Zug
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [14] May
~ ~
Magnus (1hr, 4mins)
:yellow_heart: [15] Silviu
~ ~
Whisper Registry 🎩
:yellow_heart: [1] Magnus
~ ~
Carbon (2hrs, 26mins)
:yellow_heart: [2] Jarek
~ ~
:headstone: [3] Litten
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [4] Hazard
~ ~
:headstone: [5] Carbon
~ ~
Magnus (2hrs, 26mins) Kelsier (3hrs, 14mins)
:yellow_heart: [6] Guava
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [7] Kelsier
~ ~
Carbon (3hrs, 14mins)
:yellow_heart: [8] Kiiruma
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [9] Icet
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [10] Nuto
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [11] Chomp
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [12] Lotte
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [13] Zug
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [14] May
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [15] Silviu
~ ~
Whisper Registry 🏷️
:yellow_heart: [1] Magnus
~ ~
Litten (43mins) Lotte (27mins) May, Lotte (41mins) Litten (38mins)
:yellow_heart: [2] Jarek
~ ~
:headstone: [3] Litten
~ ~
Lotte (32mins) Magnus (43mins) May (12mins) Zug (30mins) Hazard (2mins) Lotte (3mins) Magnus (38mins)
:yellow_heart: [4] Hazard
~ ~
Litten (2mins) Zug (3mins)
:headstone: [5] Carbon
~ ~
Zug (33mins) Lotte (58mins)
:yellow_heart: [6] Guava
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [7] Kelsier
~ ~
May (20mins)
:yellow_heart: [8] Kiiruma
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [9] Icet
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [10] Nuto
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [11] Chomp
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [12] Lotte
~ ~
Litten (32mins) Carbon (58mins) Magnus (27mins) Magnus, May (41mins) Litten (3mins)
:yellow_heart: [13] Zug
~ ~
Silviu (52mins) Carbon (33mins) Litten (30mins) Hazard (3mins)
:yellow_heart: [14] May
~ ~
Kelsier (20mins) Litten (12mins) Magnus, Lotte (41mins)
:yellow_heart: [15] Silviu
~ ~
Zug (52mins)

I’m the most interested in hearing your claim privately, presently.


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