Currently think one of Kiiruma or Hazard was the summoner, Guava is some stupid minion role like an unspent assassin, and group of redacyed is the godfather

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can i ask why or is this gonna be one of those games where 4 people are in the loop and everyone else is forced to watch

You can either make me a snitch or not be told anything, thereā€™s no middle ground

You canā€™t complain about not being told about anything and then bitch about your claim being spread around

literally didnt tell you to snitch. i asked whyā€¦

socials, mechanical, ping

and that involves mechanical information which would indeed be snitching

so its mechanical. thankyou

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I would wonder why too.
Iā€™ve been avoiding talking to peeps personally.
If I was a summoner itā€™d mean Iā€™ve not really given bluffs.

Yeah and thereā€™s a lot of double claims or claims that cannot co exist going around, I donā€™t think minions were passed bluffs

I mean it could just be non-summoner and didnā€™t didnā€™t get bluffs around tbh.
Plus thereā€™s 4 evils. So double claims are more likely since an evil has to go without a bluff.

Thats fair. the claim i have been giving is my favourite role to bluff as evil so i can see the issue

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Mineā€™s not :D

also litten i have not told alot of people the info i told you. you can say the ā€œ2ā€ one but not anything else


iceyT truth teller in whispers or liar

I never lie :angel:

Hello gamers Iā€™m very tired. But Iā€™d like to say, I learned some info that I will share with those I trust.

And speaking of, those I 100% trust mechanically - Carbonated / Magnus / Kelsier

Itā€™s unlikely an assassin would have killed evil team if they were on it, and the Steward stuff I learned lines up with Carbonated and Magnus. Itā€™s unlikely that if I was puzzledrunk, that theyā€™d both be bad and also die so early.

Those I trust mostly for feels reasons - Jarek / Lotte

The rest Iā€™m a bit out there, but Iā€™m interested in whispering with May since I did cannibalize her and all.

Which makes me realize I can guarantee May wasnā€™t an outsider, so this wasnā€™t a Godfather kill night. This makes me think the Demon is a Po that either attacked a dead player or someone who was protected.


Except when I lie :yum:

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I just realized I know nothing about the game

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