D1 Steward’s ledger

:hibiscus: Sunrise (+0 Hours)
:sunflower: Morning (+7 Hours)
:tophat: Midday (+13 Hours)
:label: Noon (+19 Hours)

Whisper Registry 🌺
:yellow_heart: [1] Magnus
~ ~
Jarek (14mins) Litten (12mins) May (49mins) Hazard (45mins) Lotte (16mins) Zug (53mins)
:yellow_heart: [2] Jarek
~ ~
Magnus (14mins) Zug (24mins)
:yellow_heart: [3] Litten
~ ~
Magnus (12mins) Hazard (14mins)
:yellow_heart: [4] Hazard
~ ~
Chomp (4mins) May (37mins) Litten (14mins) Magnus (45mins)
:yellow_heart: [5] Carbon
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [6] Guava
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [7] Kelsier
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [8] Kiiruma
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [9] Icet
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [10] Nuto
~ ~
Chomp (7mins) Lotte (24mins)
:yellow_heart: [11] Chomp
~ ~
Hazard (4mins) Nuto (7mins)
:yellow_heart: [12] Lotte
~ ~
Magnus (16mins) Nuto (24mins) Silviu (26mins)
:yellow_heart: [13] Zug
~ ~
May (1hr, 30mins) Magnus (53mins) Jarek (24mins)
:yellow_heart: [14] May
~ ~
Hazard (37mins) Magnus (49mins) Zug (1hr, 30mins)
:yellow_heart: [15] Silviu
~ ~
Lotte (26mins)
Whisper Registry 🌻
:yellow_heart: [1] Magnus
~ ~
Silviu (1hr, 32mins) Kelsier (7mins) Silviu (1hr, 50mins)
:yellow_heart: [2] Jarek
~ ~
Litten (4mins)
:yellow_heart: [3] Litten
~ ~
Jarek (4mins) Silviu (20mins) Zug (6mins)
:yellow_heart: [4] Hazard
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [5] Carbon
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [6] Guava
~ ~
Silviu (11mins)
:yellow_heart: [7] Kelsier
~ ~
Magnus (7mins) Silviu (40mins)
:yellow_heart: [8] Kiiruma
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [9] Icet
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [10] Nuto
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [11] Chomp
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [12] Lotte
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [13] Zug
~ ~
Litten (6mins)
:yellow_heart: [14] May
~ ~
Silviu (29mins)
:yellow_heart: [15] Silviu
~ ~
Magnus (1hr, 32mins) May (29mins) Kelsier (40mins) Guava (11mins) Litten (20mins) Magnus (1hr, 50mins)
Whisper Registry 🎩
:yellow_heart: [1] Magnus
~ ~
Zug (8mins) Carbon (13mins) Icet (23mins)
:yellow_heart: [2] Jarek
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [3] Litten
~ ~
May (40mins)
:yellow_heart: [4] Hazard
~ ~
Zug (7mins)
:yellow_heart: [5] Carbon
~ ~
Magnus (13mins) Silviu (40mins) Lotte (18mins) Zug (22mins)
:yellow_heart: [6] Guava
~ ~
Zug (2hrs, 12mins)
:yellow_heart: [7] Kelsier
~ ~
Nuto (24mins)
:yellow_heart: [8] Kiiruma
~ ~
Silviu (28mins) May (26mins)
:yellow_heart: [9] Icet
~ ~
Magnus (23mins)
:yellow_heart: [10] Nuto
~ ~
Silviu (26mins) Kelsier (24mins)
:yellow_heart: [11] Chomp
~ ~
Silviu (44mins)
:yellow_heart: [12] Lotte
~ ~
Carbon (18mins)
:yellow_heart: [13] Zug
~ ~
Magnus (8mins) Silviu (39mins) Hazard (7mins) Carbon (22mins) Silviu (12mins) Guava (2hrs, 12mins)
:yellow_heart: [14] May
~ ~
Silviu (14mins) Kiiruma (26mins) Litten (40mins)
:yellow_heart: [15] Silviu
~ ~
Zug (39mins) Kiiruma (28mins) Carbon (40mins) Nuto (26mins) Chomp (44mins) Zug (12mins) May (14mins)
Whisper Registry 🏷️
:yellow_heart: [1] Magnus
~ ~
May (22mins) Jarek (9mins) Litten, May (1hr, 20mins)
:yellow_heart: [2] Jarek
~ ~
Silviu (20mins) Magnus (9mins)
:yellow_heart: [3] Litten
~ ~
Kiiruma (45mins) Magnus, May (1hr, 20mins)
:yellow_heart: [4] Hazard
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [5] Carbon
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [6] Guava
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [7] Kelsier
~ ~
Zug (17mins)
:yellow_heart: [8] Kiiruma
~ ~
Litten (45mins)
:yellow_heart: [9] Icet
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [10] Nuto
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [11] Chomp
~ ~
:yellow_heart: [12] Lotte
~ ~
Lotte (50mins)
:yellow_heart: [13] Zug
~ ~
Kelsier (17mins) May (36mins)
:yellow_heart: [14] May
~ ~
Zug (36mins) Lotte (50mins) Magnus (22mins) Magnus, Litten (1hr, 20mins)
:yellow_heart: [15] Silviu
~ ~
Jarek (20mins)

The bump means nominations opened! Get nominating, and get voting!

VOTE: Litten

Statistically speaking the demon

sometimes you need to talk to the baddest bitch you know


I’m not too keen on being included in a minion ping at the minute.

You can make me nominate later.


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I don’t have any clear problems with Litten being nominated, although I don’t have much suspicions due to the lack of talk either.

I’ll need to wait and see what others report. Or the lack of reports.


Statistically speaking I’m confirmed town

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I’m having too much fun in a pure way to be evil nya nya nya may and magnus can confirm this



Great. This will change my mind.

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My defense is as good as my accusation, if not better

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I was going to say something about Jarek thinking you’d be Kazali picked, but they specified Demon.


You are factually correct.

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You’ll need to wait a couple days before Litten becomes the Demon, yep.


Anyway there’s things that we probably need to do today that other people are more informed about, I need to reread those things though give me a second

I’m in the general ballpark of thinking between Carb/Guava/Kelsier/Icet/Lotte, personally. In no specific listed order of preference, I don’t think it’s an entire evil team here, but it’s potentially worth early scrutiny; especially in a Summoner game. Maybe Nuto if I squint at whispers, if paired with Kelsier?

I haven’t heard mention of anyone volunteering for Cannibal food.

The recklessly competent scumteam from last rand has been mostly found good-aligned to my perception.

I’m of the opinion this list is worse than rand.

If I squint at whispers I could see Icet whispering their Demon though.


If there’s a demon, then there’s a gueateed with correct?


Unless it’s Kalazi but I’m not evil so I don’t think that matters

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