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I donā€™t actually know who to vote since my thoughts on why people are evil I canā€™t say and none of them str nominated and I donā€™t wanna

this is probably not worth hiding as long as I donā€™t mention the role-related details, so

@Silviu200530, we talked about how Town Crier wants only specific people to nominate, and you mentioned it when making your nomination.

At the time, 3 people had already nominated, and there was a chance of other people wanting to make nominations for non-TC reasons. Despite that, you chose to add yourself to the pool of nominators anyway. Why?

Iā€™m back for a few minutes.

Iā€™d prefer everybody being executed for Cannibal food do so after today, for the Summoner that is nearly certainly in-play would invalidate some of the information gotten.

ā€¦But I donā€™t really like todayā€™s nominations much either. I think Zugzwang had solving not present in his first game.

Magnus doesnā€™t want Litten to go and I donā€™t either, based off their first game.

I just think Carbonated is Good.

And I sorta liked Magnus when we were talking in town square.

I have claims off crazynuto but thatā€™s all on them.


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I think a nearly useless Town Crier Minion did nominate is going to come up tonight, but Iā€™m still afraid of doing so out of fear of maybe making it that bit more useless.

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I probably should, shouldnā€™t I.

What are playerā€™s opinions on guavagudetama?

I think theyā€™re the most likely Minion in the nominators bracket.

But I think most everybody else who nominated is Good.


VOTE: crazynuto

VOTE: carbonated

Iā€™m not pleased with pushing either of these players over, but it feels better than the alternatives.

Everybody else should vote too. Evil could easily swing the ship and nobody has a rebuttal to it.

Itā€™s not a good set of nominations, but itā€™ll have to do.

ā€œWe thought that it was the best choice. Itā€™s better than not choosing.ā€ Is a better argument than fear.

whatā€™d you like about their posts?

My nomination is literally god-tier I donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about

I have reasons which I would be very happy to share when the only thing my explaination affects isnā€™t the Assassin choice.


I liked how they were, to my perspective, the only other person beside myself and you who bothered to take nominations seriously and push with our thoughts. I think they had explainations I could see tracking with the information they shared with me.

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Back to work!

Iā€™ll maybe be here from 5 minutes to EOD.

Mechanically they look bad, from what Iā€™ve heard.


  • He had a townslip in my whisper with him, where he didnā€™t realize Evils knew their teamā€¦ and then he didnā€™t realize that was a townslip. The former alone would be pretty fakeable, but the latter feels unlikely fake. Iā€™d be fairly confident in this read, except Guava has tricked me a fair number of times with real-time interactions, and itā€™s not impossible w!Guava genuinely didnā€™t realize they know their team for certain.
  • Thereā€™s another social thing that I initially read as Good, and now read as ā€œless likely Demon, more likely bluffless Minionā€, though I canā€™t really talk about it without outing their claim.

After thinking through this Iā€™d say theyā€™re mildly wolfy overall.

To elaborate: Guava, on this site, has played in two other BOTCs - one as Good, and the other as Evil (about 1.3 years ago), but with a Magician in play (here). This makes the townslip fairly believable, but one thing I missed earlier is that itā€™s also possible w!Guava simply didnā€™t realize that in this game, he does in fact know his team fully.

Do you have reason to trust Silviu?

Jarek I could also see as evil, but only for fairly weak social reasons (they felt fairly inert in our whisper). Their immediate nomination is possibly risky for a minion, though?