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/break I got abandoned :(

Last year was beaten aswell!

@Kiiruma wanna talk


…what part of Damsel mechanics would be misunderstood here, exactly?

In a normal short-form game of BOTC if I throw out a damsel guess it’s resolved instantly by the ST who is in the game right there and says “nothing happens”

this is a FM game and the ST isn’t omnipresent so the ST isn’t going to be here to INSTANTLY say “nothing happens/The game ends you lose”

Silviu, in the world where they were a damsel, believing they were just guessed by a minion, waiting for the ST to confirm the loss, could have accidentally confirmed it belieiving the only reason the game didn’t end is because the ST wasn’t there to end it yet

@Litten check stream

Theyre showing the goals.

I don’t want a damsel if I picked them with my funny joke to actually claim damsel because I would lose

that’s not misunderstanding mechanics then, that’s just being a reasonable person and thinking that anyone who’s damsel-guessing is a minion

Outing your role as damsel because someone guessed you assuming they’re a minion and the game is ending when the ST shows up is something I achnowledge as a possibility and I want to absolutely make clear that I WAS JOKING DO NOT REVEAL YOUR ROLE THE ST WILL CLEAR IT UP WHEN THEY GET HERE

you were joking… and yet you didn’t ever say it wasn’t meant as a real guess, nor did you ever ping the storytellers afterwards to clarify that?

yeah no

I don’t need to. It’s not a real guess.

Unless I’m the recluse (I’m not) my guess does nothing and is the same as taking a slayer shot when I’m not the slayer. I have literally 0 reason to “clarify with the ST’s” that my guess is fake.

@Lotte @crazynuto

I told you I was going to do this as a joke and I told you people would react badly about it. I did say I wouldn’t do it, but I’m a chaotic being at heart

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it was recognized by the STs, though
it is evidently a real guess

You do. Because unlike a Slayer shot, a damsel guess is literally outing as evil.

For the sake of the argument; Jarek did say they were and then said they wouldn’t. There wasn’t any other discussion on it, beside a Huntsman joke from Jarek before whisper end.

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I claim minion and choose myself as damsel

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If I fake slayer shoot and the ST says “nothing happens” that doesn’t make my shot real and it doesn’t make my role the slayer when it isn’t. The ST’s have to recognize every publically claimed ability like gossips and slayer shots to enable these roles to be bluffed by evils.

If only the slayer was capable of taking a slayer shot that was announced by the ST’s and everyone else got told to fuck off or ignored then the slayer would be a mech confirmed townsfolk role.

Okay. And you think I’d out as evil D2 guessing someone at complete random who, by the way, I claimed damsel to, and didn’t give me damsel in a 3 themselves? They were claiming damsel in a 3 after I told them likely because they thought I was telling everyone I was a damsel and they were trying to protect me.