I wouldn’t mind us three having a chat together, actually.
/Whisper Magnus, Litten
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I’m in the Dunkin’s drive through rn waiting to get ordered but sure
Who wants to make it?
Not me.
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Not me
Due to the game being negatively impacted due to the lack of releasing flavour, we are offering the game to be reranded, please vote below if you believe it is to be the best course of action. (Regardless of any actions, results or anything we believe that the game has been hindered against it’s original intention due to flavour which is completely against BOTC)
- Rerack the game
- Keep it as it is
- Don’t care
0 voters
Please also let us know of your thoughts in your classcards.
This is sad
I do not like hosting a game with Amelia, they are a CURSE
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the person who’s slot is most impacted by the integrity breach voted to keep the game the same