Ice Cream Mafia - MAFIA VICTORY




YOOOO its been a hot minute leafeon how are u…


hi hello. i wrote some thoughts

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i have the following 3 suggestions:

  1. while the neapolitan cop is alive, nobody should solo decide to use strawberry mode on their own

  2. the VTs should provide good cover for the cop via hinting at made-up peeks

  3. every day we hold an unofficial vote for X players (X = # of living mafia + living cop + 1) to use chocolate mode. the remaining players choose vanilla mode and allow the cop to get a reliable peek on them

explanations for each in a separate post for readibility


strawberry restricts you from showing vanilla next night which might be used as an excuse by mafia for not showing as vanilla. and the benefit of using strawberry is basically going like “fuck you, my teammates, your votes are shit, i know how to vote better than you”. the pro is kinda disrespectful, and the con is that you’re doing what wolf will excuse themselves as. after the cop dies, sure, maybe use strawberry to try to mathematically lower chances of ties, whatever. if you do it before, and you decide to do it on your own, without it being a discussed plan to reduce chances of tie or something, if you just wanna have more votes, you are playing like a wolf imo. this strawberry mode was designed to gives wolves cover, it assumes that townies will be selfish and use it. i suggest we not be selfish and we dont use it and dont give wolves cover. then they dont have an excuse and they die


we need the cop results. the cop could hard claim to out some results. but then they die or get anticlaimed and we get no more. we could do public hypothetical claims every day, but mafia has 2 weapons against the cop - anti-claim and strongman. they can neutralize two candidates in 1 night. so imo, the safest thing is for the cop, and for the VTs to all provide hints about their peeks. the VTs dont have peeks obviously, but they make up ones. and then they hint about it, think about it carefully, try to appear as the cop to the mafia, maybe change their play a bit to provide cover for the cop. once the cop dies we can ISO them and hopefully piece together their hints


VOTE: I_like_posts


this is the minimum number of people required to guarantee that at least 1 VT will be chocolate and we will get the protection. on d1 it will be 5 people. so basically my suggestion is for everyone to vote for 5 people unofficially as the towniest. their top 5 townreads. at the end of the day we tally those unofficial votes. and the top 5 players use chocolate and protect whoever they want. everyone else chooses vanilla and allows the cop to get a reliable peek on them. (is my suggestion). the entire reason for this is to allow the cop to get reliable peeks into the PoE, instead of wondering if a “non-vanilla” peek means mafia or a townie who just decided to do whatever they want and not work with their team. the cop can already get trustworthy green peeks, but this way they also get trustworthy red peeks. non-vanilla peek on a player that wasn’t supposed to do that = confirmed wolf. we’d also be able to see the wolves unofficial chocolate votes on other wolves. we’d have more info to track them and pair them once we solve mid and late game


very fitting start day bought like 4 tubs of ice cream it’s a very hot day


owowow why is tutuu wallposting


I’m picking vanilla until the cop dies. The cop can check me or not idc.


im also focusing vanilla if i ever show up innocent i LIED


Doing great.

This feels villagery. Willing to give Tutuu a slim townlean due to it. I also agree with him 100%

Willing to give this a townlean too.


I want to bring the most emphasis to this. I think it’s very important for the VTs to remember to not make themselves blatant VTs in the eyes of the mafia.

The Cop will never be blatant VT - the only way for that to happen is if they lie about their peeks, which risks griefing their team hard. So like, if you are VT, and you hint about peeking a player vanilla, and then you push them - you are outing as VT, because if you were the real cop, you’d know that player is peeked town.

So even if you didn’t rand the cop, that doesn’t mean you get to just not think about the cop and play a selfish VT game. Please be mindful of what your team needs of you! Please don’t play this as a Mountaious, it’s not!

the mafia will be monitoring the thread every day after N1 to scan for the cop. they will dedicate a lot of effort into cop hunting. please think about it very carefully. everyone - cop and VT. even though we are the “good guys”, uninformed majority, in a setup like this, optimal play requires us to be speaky and deny information to our opponents, as if we were mafia. of course dont go too hard on that too please, FPSing is almost always griefing your team. lies being pushed too far usually griefs your team. just a bit of misdirection in moderation is what’s required




Using Strawberry is literally useless IMO. You’re never going to get anything out of it when your “opponent” is “the collective trust that town has on the promise that they are about to make Today”. Mafia can’t even do anything about it.

I proposed this idea at the signups thread, and I still think we should do this.


yeah i think we do that but no strawberries, strawberry pick is a death pick


Hm… Hey, I have a selfish solution to this issue.
Do you think I should reveal what my solution is?
(Note: “I” myself think this is a bad idea.)


What if mafia use anti-claim and strongman the taste tester “sucesfully”?
(disregarsing how impossible this sounds.)