Ice Cream Mafia - MAFIA VICTORY

can we vote potatocat with no case


No. Build a case first and you and Potatocat both feel like villagers to me anyway.


Wdym. You literally just don’t.

Nvm. I understand what you mean, but that’s a rather weird way to read anyone. Why would you read anyone without giving anyone any examples as to why you read them as town or mafia?

For instance, if I were to say I scumread Camille “arbitrarily”, how exactly would this “read” help town? As mafia, how would this “read” deceive town? What is the purpose of your “arbitrary read”?

You are a hydra, if you want to infodump your thoughts, then you literally have a Role PM where you can share your thoughts to your other head; the only other person you can entrust your reads with. So it’s not -or rather, it shouldn’t be- infodumping. Which brings me back to the question: “Why do you arbitrarily townread me?”

…this is an attempt to pocketing. You are evil.

VOTE: I_like_posts

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Interesting thought process. I’ll bite This slot could use more pressure anyway.

VOTE: I_like_posts

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I wanted to ask if anyone else saw that one “haha just throwing it out here” post lol cuz it felt like shade to zone for asking why my post was towny. but that would confuse me cuz chomps definitely can straight up shade zone with no fear idt chomps has like read anxiety or anything

i didnt wanna assume though but the timing was absolutely horrendous lol. back to my cave

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(I didn’t read the last part about cop cover, but–)
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Any preferences on going Chocolate or staying as Vanilla?

One issue: neil is playing on a hydra account. It is literally one of two people. I ain’t going to call two people anything other than they/them, and I don’t even like their hydra name to begin with since it doesn’t feel like a name.

(I should probably start nicknaming it. “ILP” …will have to do for now.)


VOTE: I_like_posts


That’s enough pressure for I_like_posts for now.

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vros posts are not being liked


(I mean… We never said that, but we should probably…)
Actually, no. Just don’t become Strawberry as long as Neapolitan is alive. Period.

Hm… Fair enough.
([…], but yeah, we I should leave this matter alone.)

I disagree. You already mentioned it before, but becoming a Strawberry is literally passively saying:

It’s just stupid. IMO the less non-Vanilla we have, the better.
Less hands to struggle over the heal; less cover for the Mafia.


Alright, you’re right. There’s no need for anyone to go Strawberry here until Neapolitan dies.


We should probably elect the five towniest players to become Chocolate.


Tutuu suggested five players to go chocolate tonight already.


Alright, I guess it doesn’t matter much who we choose unless there’s someone in there who needs to be peeked.


Good catch. I forgot about that.

ILP is not in it. No objections from me.
Anyone else having any objections with this list?



I think the five he suggested are villagery enough and one of the five is locktown to me so that’s a bonus.

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We should have a backup name incase we decide to lynch one of these names?

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Why would we want to execute someone villagery?

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