Ice Cream Mafia - MAFIA VICTORY

but i was thinking the same thing fr

like literally the whole nobody do anything plan LOL


All things considered, I would’ve been unambivalently fond of expressing direction for the Strawberry option ahead of time. Without expressing a wilfulness to skew votes majorly, although it’s perhaps the only way for evil to accidentally hit a protected player without completely uncoordinating in public, it’d also provide a threat to not be checked early on which means the Neapolitan mightn’t be wasted on polarising slots too soon.

For the most part, however, this is a moot point as a majority of the game will be vanilla led. Evils would never openly claim to choose vanilla ahead of time if they were at risk of being checked, and attempting to wrangle everybody’s actions — whilst perhaps optimal — will only lead to dissent and ruin, as evils either continue to protest and so they are executed in turn without the night check at all, or the coordinator themselves or just the players themselves lock in Chocolate selections readily to save themselves. The worst case scenario would be Mafia killing and nullifying the Neapolitan in one fell swoop immediately tonight, before claiming it themselves in F5 or so.

The mechanically optimal outcome would include having one player go Chocolate, and then being checked the following night every time, then. Tutuu’s convinced me, donezo.


Sounds villagery.

Sounds wolfy.

Kind of nullish as a result but I’ll give it the slimmest of wolfleans for the latter sentence.


Sure. You have me curious.


eating ice cream rn


mehhhhhh i lowkey found this simply villagery

not wanting to do things because of being ignored is villager simulator


Ice Creams in general probably wish to become Chocolate in order to vote whom to protect, right? Rather than asking who wants to get checked tonight, I think it’s easier to ask who are willing to remain as Vanilla instead. After all, “wanting to get checked” doesn’t necessarily guarantee a check.

(How smart could the Mafia possibly be…?) Hm… The idea I had in mind is an information hazard, so I guess I will keep it as a last-resort nuclear button. (I… don’t like where this is going.)


even following my mafia roles I’ve got chocolate vanilla some chocolate flakes but no strawberry, towniest town of them all


a lot of players seemed to have the same ideas from the start so thats good! i think we have about as an excellent start as we could have. cool! nice! :stuck_out_tongue: onwards to glory!


Kno9wing how Chomps is as a villager and how he is as a wolf, I’m also willing to give him a slim townlean too.

Why do you say this?


I mean what’s your plan, in case mafia gets lucky, and use both ability on the cop. (so we can’t realize the cop was vanilla’ed before they died?)

okay, I now realized, that they don’t even need to use strongman, if they think that their suspected cop won’t be even protected.
(also if they follow the people’s false negative it is easier for mafia to deduce who is the cop anyway.)


(Note to self: PL can mean “player list” instead of "policy [REDACTED]".)
I’d say we can follow the plan… assuming we actually agree on one.
It’s the opposite here, because executing plans usually works (AFAICR), but deciding the plan (and agreeing to it) is oddly enough where this site (to my knowledge) has issues (sometimes).


i will try to not be afraid of pushing my reads and avoid leaving the burden to my teammates as i usually do. i still value teamwork a lot, i dont like selfishness, but i pushed it too far in the other extreme. i will try to keep it a bit more moderated; balanced

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im going to follow plants and behave


oh dont worry, zug isnt evil


The discussion about strategy is pretty much nai. Everyone was obviously thinking about it pregame. Don’t give people credit for stuff that doesn’t actually help town.


Theoretically speaking the Neapolitan would like to check players who don’t want to be checked, which means evil would expect town to predict Mafia members would want to rotate being Chocolate perceived (likely whomever is the most townread at the time or so), meaning evils would especially want to act laissez faire about the risk, yada yada. It’s still worth scrutinising slots who say they’re happy with being checked as vanilla early on, particularly if they attempt to wrangle loose from the net later.
Particularly so that once they’re actually checked and flip as not-vanilla, the Neapolitan can blend into the crowd of just posting accusatory reads without claiming forthright.




Hm… Nah, sorry. On second thought -after being convinced by tutuu, who seems to be playing carefully-, I have decided that I should probably not mention it. It’s too much of a risky gamble, and it always screws me over on my homesite anyway.


okay, I really missed that line…
In that case just let assume I haven’t told anything yet…