Ice Cream Mafia - MAFIA VICTORY

I’m struggling to read Frost. He take a while to rev up his engine. He becomes really obvious then. Difficult to read at the start. I suggest we leave him for a day or two, he should become obvious



frostwolf (give him a pass until D2-D3 imo)




I know. I said so in the last paragraph of this post. It won’t change my stance towards ILP though.

I don’t need peace. I need pelts.
I crave the death of my enemies.

Me too, but I struggle to read him on two fronts; (1) his alignment, and (2) his sentences.

I agree that we should leave him be until a later day phase. (Gut says he’s Town-aligned though.)


If Leafia is mafia then I’m entirely wrong on my reads. Hippo isn’t mafia with her. That would make Hippo town. Not sure about Chomps. If she voted him then he might be town too. Scary to think about if she’s mafia and Hippo and Chomps are both town. I’m a bit clueless about the solve, then. I need some assistance from you guys in reading Leafia, I feel lack of confidence in reading her here

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i do not feel opposed really lmao


Idk i had a conversation with leafia at sod and it seemed like she was much more willing to change her reads or improve them based off of advice which makes me think she isnt a wolf cuz i wouldve kinda expected more pushback imo

Obv unless like. Partner moment



If Leafia has fixed her polarized play style and perfected her Town-mask as Mafia, then I’d say that that in itself warrants a reward of putting her into [the list of people the Neapolitan shouldn’t check].

It’s not as if Leafia is guaranteed to stay in the Chocolate list anyway. If she were to slip up in the future, then we can just ask her to remove herself from the list so she could be checked on a future night.

For N1, there are more players who warrant more of the Neapolitan’s attention.


Oh yeah I don’t think she should be a consideration for an execution or a peek for D1/N1. I just meant in general, she’s a good wolf, I just randomly got paranoid that she would just beat us socially. I’m just hoping that other people will manage to get a confident read on her as the game progresses to give me some reassurance. But if you guys aren’t paranoid that’s fine too, you don’t have to be. I just like really wanna win, so I was thinking about what are the things that are likely gonna make me lose :stuck_out_tongue:


Leafia in particular I think is kind of a “volatile” slot in the sense of that I’m afraid of her endgaming as wolf, but I’m also afraid of her getting mischopped as town. So I feel some kind of a responsibility to give a good read or a legacy on her, and I feel like I need to thread a bit more carefully about her than my strategy of “hey everyone, bully Magnus until they towntell”, for instance. I wouldn’t recommend “bully Leafia until she towntells”


I’m not sure if this post makes a lot of sense

bully tutuu until he just cries



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Also I would urge everyone to be a bit more confident in your ability to be townread (if you are town), and to not refuse the chocolate mode if people want to give it to you. Do you agree that the more wolves in the pool of vanillas, the better? Red peek better than green peek? If so, please try to think of yourself as … a unit in an RTS game. A drone, a probe, an SCV from Starcraft. At the start of the game, you send one worker to the enemy base to scout. This worker will often times die. It sacrifices itself for the colony, it gives scouting information. Even though for the worker it was personally uncomfortable to be put through that, its team benefitted the most out of that! If mafia was an RTS game, and you controlled each pawn individually, you would prioritize doing what you think is best for the entirety of the group, not for each individual pawn!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


It makes sense to me.

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I think that there is no ceiling when it comes to achieving getting townread as town. It’s sooo much easier to be townread as town than as mafia. You just have to probe your brain. It’s a very interesting experience and activity. Just probe it as deep as you can. Be as honest and transparent as you can. Honest about everything. Your feelings, your instincts, anything you want. There are no rules, imo. More honest than socially acceptable in general conversations. I think that’s the fun of it. Squeezing every bit of feeling and thought you have from your brain and putting it out there for people to enjoy. It’s like you’re cooking them a warm and tasty meal

VOTE: chomps i forget does day end today or tmrw




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I pinged Potatocat for that matter.

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