Ice Cream Mafia - MAFIA VICTORY

btw you should have no trust in my town mechanical prowess it is like 0 i only have like. maybe a good sense of mechs as a host perspective but i cant fathom this at all because my mind isnt wired that way

- eel

and why should the neopolitan need to priortize checking hippo over anyone else.

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Cute baby bat to restore the peace


its 3am hello gang

cooking ramen but in a bit ill probably backread i just got done w work

I need my european union NOW!!!


tutuu i hope youre town cuz your posts are lowkey really good

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tutuu convinced me to let u cook more honestly

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Europeans are working/in school at the moment.


Honestly :face_in_clouds:

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just a reminder that we agreed to do double hypo claims! one red peek, and one green peek. cop obviously includes the real peek

i would heavily recommend to not peek chomps, nor peek hippo. i personally think chomps is town, but the fact is that they are both slots with a lot of people wanting to exe them. tomorrow, there will be multiple VTs outing a red check on chomps/hippo.

  • if you are a cop, and you peek in them and get a red check - that doesnt exactly accomplish much, they were gonna die anyway

  • if you are a cop, and you peek in them and get a green check - that’s really bad, and the reason for that is you’ll have 2 choices:

    1. be loud in defending the green peek, potentially even outing yourself to the mafia. you might not be successful in defending them. you are risking your life as a cop to save a VT. every VT life is equal in terms of mechanically winning the game, and the cop life is worth more than all of them
    1. stay quiet and dont defend too hard. this is the more sensible choice imo. but now, there is a high likelyhood that your freshly green peeked chomps or hippo gets executed. and you just wasted your peek

both situations are bad. its not necessary at all to go there

im certain that the best peek targets are the people who will live until f5/f3. slots that are in the middle of people’s reads. try to predict who will not be pushed, and wont be NKed. peek there. that’s the safest, because then the cop doesnt need to out too hard, and having a peeked player in endgame is very nice

i am also dying to know what chomp’s alignment is, but i think its good if we’re patient and play for the end game, like chess

in my opinion, the middle of the line slots are: chameleon15, childe, magnus, creature, frostwolf

this is based on my personal reads. you dont have to follow my reads if you dont want to. im not infallible. these specific names - there is a chance that im wrong that they are the most “middle of the line” and the most likely to survive to f5/f3. if you disagree, you could take a look at other people’s reads and try to form an opinion on what the consensus is

but i am very certain that the correct idea is to try to predict who will survive the longest and peek them

i mean, maybe that shouldn’t be 100% of your decision. maybe you should also try to peek a scummy middle of the line player. thats valid too. im just mostly saying that chomps and hippo are, imo, bad peeks. its bad in the long term. its okay to lose a VT or two in the early game if that means the cop is safe, and we will get a peeked VT or two in the late game. we will get back our investment, and have the chance to earn extra on top


Also cop shouldn’t ever check into the chocolate list.


Damn im still stop wagon my masterplan of leaving for 20 hours and hoping the adhd brainrot gang moved on has failed

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Do i have votes from tutuus take?

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To be clear, mafia giving false meta plans to make town do the wrong plan just doesnt happen. In a world where i am mafia, i have to believe that i can give a plan that all 13 ppl would follow even tho its not good? Maybe if someone had immense social capital and was known as an amazing player they might try it, but pretty obviously i dont know why id just chuck subpar suggestions out on purpose if im mafia. Id know people would realise. My posts yesterday were just during semianrs so i wasnt really paying attention.


Also newer playrrs often think my meta is that i try harder as town but thats just not true rlly. TBOI FM, think one of my last towngames, i didnt try hard and got mislynched d1.
I doubt tutuu is mafia for reasons. I also agree chomps blip was kinda towny but i will still self pres onto them and murder @Chomps if needed.

Will read more later


if you against checking them, what is the downside of putting them into the chocolate list?

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Why just Chomps?

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Did childe ever posted in this game?

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Cuz theyre the CW… Frost who do you suspect

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