Ice Cream Mafia - MAFIA VICTORY

yall are crazy like genuinely

town actually is more likely to try their hardest to be reasonable while disagreeing with their plan

that literally is not the type of cred that hippo looks for

zone is playing extremely agressively: noted. im interested in why he is so comfortable immediately flipping his read on me based off of solely my defense of hippo. like in a “does he know something i dont?” Way

sheeping zone jail wolfy

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jail sheeps fork found in kitchen

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Also i found you wolfy for your treatment of zone, not because i agreed with zone lol


Jail, Hippo isn’t like this as a villager. Trust me on this. You won’t be disappointed. I’m 100% certain that Hippo is a wolf here. No villager plays like the way he has been playing. Someone voting Chomps switch to Hippo. Please. I don’t want his wolfmates to be able to save him here.

that wasnt what i said?

no i agree with zone i will sheep zone

zzz the difference in your attitude towards hippo and tutuu’s earlier is noted

Ill iso him so i can try and hear you out kya

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oh cringe

Fork found in kitchen: Hippo is a wolf.

fwiw i heaviliy disagree with including a readble player like creature in this pool, i think its a waste.

I shouldve known town was being too agreeable lmao

What do you mean exactly?

tutuu earlier had a post voting hippo stating a deep sense of unconfidence

I do wanna let yall know ill be able to cook more this weekend tho trust

I think you mean confidence there.