Ice Cream Mafia - MAFIA VICTORY

POTATO TOWN IS CRAZY i had one day at work and suddenly im potatoing

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Oh damn not sure how much I’ll be able to contribute this EOD.

Potatocat is a player lmao

Uh didn’t realize today is my joindate


I think w/Hippo spews Zone v due to Hippo’s post here. Same with Tutuu.

i think hippo is a bad vote yes considering he is a good player when cooking and because ive found him v so far while i was in thread idk usually when u townread someone and have faith in them you do not want them dead. also, i think it is personally the funniest thing ever when someone on mafia like tells you like tries to convince YOU what your read on someone is. i literally made a post where i thought

this is literally the thing that has kept me skeeved out over chomps slot. and i made a post about it. do not come @ me about reading comprehension sir. im gonna get u

like to this exact moment that post is so out of place even revisiting it lol there is not a complete lack of interest in chomps slot as u claim



Happy joindate! :birthday:

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Someone like Tutuu doesn’t deny that, yet town hippo is nowhere to be seen

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And I agree with that reason.

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i can’t believe chomps shaded zone

I have been waiting for him to cook some spicy food, actually. But he burned out real quick, so I assumed it wrong.

i didn’t even consider it chasing? infact i didn’t even remember zone was even on the conversation


Chasing shades, eww what a phase.


24 more posts after this one and we’ll have 1,000 posts. Let’s try to reach it people.

After Hippo, what would you recommend assigning 5 players choosing chocolate?

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If that’s what I’d been doing, it’s not as a direct consequence of my actions. I’m not voting Chomps tomorrow anyhow if you die in thirty minutes. It’s just a better reserve.

Marluna is a provoking vote from Neil and Eliza, not quite the best but a corporeal enough notice to derive content from. The freedom to take agency is nice.

yes and it was bad shade