BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

VOTE: Mistyx

Final Votecount

Nominator Nominee # Voters
Chomps Hazard 2 Chomps, IcetFeelsPain
Mistyx IcetFeelsPain 1 Mistyx
Hazard Mistyx 1 Hazard
Not Voting 8 Kelsier, LittleLee, Canping, Amelia, Kiiruma, Wazza, Zone_Q11, Hippopablompoyeetus

Hazardwaste (2): Chomps, IcetFeelsPain
IcetFeelsPain (1): Mistyx
Mistyx (1): Hazardwaste

Not Voting (8): Kelsier, LittleLee, Canping, Amelia, Kiiruma, Wazza, Zone_Q11, Hippopablompoyeetus

Greetings, researchers and inmates alike. Your schedules have all been cleared, as it’s crucial you all heed my words with the utmost attention. Do not attempt to leave the room until you are told that this session is over, nor should you slacken your head so that you’re staring into the tabletop — unless you lack the capacity for basic curiosity.

Throughout the last week, many of your respective projects were met with similar intrusions; although there were a few acceptable losses, the enemy challenged the Foundation directly with the task to secure a certain asset, which could’ve greatly aided with future infiltration efforts — the asset is not cruel, and indeed with all your help, we’ve maintained the net over its territory. Those who might’ve come into clash with its tentacles have since blissfully recovered, although the same cannot be regarded for those we’ve let go off.

You might wonder who we call “the enemy”. If you deserve to be privy to such information, you should already know their name. Thus concludes our update report, please return to your posts — thus ends our interlude. Oh, and if you’ve been given an orange slip… please visit the Ethics committee at your earliest prerogative. Good day.

With @Hazardwaste’s recontainment, the game is over.


Nightmare of 20,000 Feet

Depiction of SCP-4664 - Nightmare at 20,000 Feet, by Amamidori.


[Access Granted]

SCP-4664 will only manifest when an individual passes through the area of water surrounding the Southern Sandwich Islands, and experiences a certain dream (designated SCP-4664-1) consisting of the subject aboard a wooden ship contending with poor weather conditions whilst glimpses of several large serpentine figures are seen moving through the water. SCP-4664-1 will invariably end with the hull of the boat being destroyed through unknown means, with the subject awaking before they make contact with the water.

Upon waking from SCP-4664-1, SCP-4664 will manifest within a large body of water nearest to the individual and make its way towards the individual who experienced SCP-4664-1, destroying any structure impeding its progress. Upon reaching them, SCP-4664 will instruct the subject to relax whilst creating a small show with its appendages as actors, moving them around in a similar manner to a puppet show. During these events, SCP-4664’s voice has been found to carry a minor auditory hazard that causes all humans to hear it report feeling relaxed.

The story that SCP-4664 constructs during these events is believed to be based on the events in SCP-4664-1. In this story, the creatures represented by the appendages neutralized the entity attacking the ship while rescuing the passengers onboard. The show will always conclude with the subject being rescued by the animals and being brought to safety. Once this has concluded, SCP-4664 will easily convince subjects that they will not experience SCP-4664-1 again, and to return to sleep. After the subject returns to sleep, SCP-4664 will begin to take on a translucent appearance, gradually becoming less opaque until it completely demanifests.

Choose a player: they die.
Your nearest Scientist neighbours are poisoned.

You are aligned with the Anti-Foundation.
Your team wins when there are only two players left alive.


The insurgents charged with the anomaly’s safe extradition were @Kiiruma, @Kelsier and @IcetFeelsPain.

Kiiruma’s File

Mission Statement

Before the advent of logic, we were kept as the prisoners of ignorance. We were exploited, subjugated and misled, as the ones in power told us that knowing lesser was the better option. Those few refusing unwilling submission suffered oppression, persecuted by the intolerant ones who feared the truth, and hid it from us. These people sent humanity to senseless wars with the blood of men on everyone's hands. Only through will and mission did one mind bloom after another, as, over time, people finally saw reason. The future we wanted was within our grasp, but it was taken back from us.

Time is running out for our enemies. The forces of Chaos grow stronger everyday. If mankind is to survive, we must fully immerse ourselves into the Chaos so that no one else may take it. In the long run, humanity will transpire to turn us against ourselves. We must enslave humanity before they enslave us.

You’ll find yourself choosing a side someday. Choose ours, and you will be doing the right thing.

Item Acquisition Operatives specialise in the tracking and seizing of potentially valuable assets to be employed in armed Insurgency operations. Field Agent █████, your virtuosity as the Boffin has the utmost potential to further the Insurgency’s interests in this next assignment.

The Anomaly (even if drunk or poisoned) has a not-in-play good character’s ability. You both know which.

You are aligned with the Anti-Foundation.
Your team wins when there are only two players left alive.

Kelsier’s File (Original)

Mission Statement

Before the advent of logic, we were kept as the prisoners of ignorance. We were exploited, subjugated and misled, as the ones in power told us that knowing lesser was the better option. Those few refusing unwilling submission suffered oppression, persecuted by the intolerant ones who feared the truth, and hid it from us. These people sent humanity to senseless wars with the blood of men on everyone's hands. Only through will and mission did one mind bloom after another, as, over time, people finally saw reason. The future we wanted was within our grasp, but it was taken back from us.

Time is running out for our enemies. The forces of Chaos grow stronger everyday. If mankind is to survive, we must fully immerse ourselves into the Chaos so that no one else may take it. In the long run, humanity will transpire to turn us against ourselves. We must enslave humanity before they enslave us.

You’ll find yourself choosing a side someday. Choose ours, and you will be doing the right thing.

Containment Engineers specialise in mechanical endeavours to properly contain Items and project efficient, secure storage units for the objects in the Arsenal. Field Agent █████, as the Mezepheles, you have the power to awaken a sleeper agent buried within the Foundation itself.

You start knowing a secret word. The 1st good player to say this word becomes evil that night.

You are aligned with the Anti-Foundation.
Your team wins when there are only two players left alive.

Kelsier’s File (New)

Orientation leaflet for D-Class personnel.

On behalf of the SCP Foundation and our staff, you are welcomed to participate in an exhilarating one-month experimental program, confined within one of our off-grid research facilities. The delicate nature of your work assignments might result in close encounters with occupational hazards if appropriate safety cautions are not followed; hence explaining why your unbridled cooperation is required at all times to minimise risk towards personnel. Failure to abide simple instruction will result in the immediate termination of your excursion from death row; whereas upon the completion of your sentence, you shall be granted an absolute pardon from all your previous offences.

Each of the D-Class personnel has been assigned a numerical designation. Please memorise your designation, as the staff will exclusively refer to you as such from now on.

Pending internal investigation, agent █████ has been penalised with a demotion to the level of D-Class for means of internal coercion; pending investigation for the subject’s associations with enemy groups of interest remains ongoing.

Passive, Red Herring
You might register as evil & as an Insurgent or Anomaly, even if dead.

You are aligned with the Anti-Foundation.
Your team wins when there are only two players left alive.


Icet’s File

(Yes the icon should be red.)

Foundation enlistment for Scientist personnel.

The Foundation employs numerous personnel, each contributing their own unique skills and expertise to the organisation. The Foundation also monitors thousands of Persons of Interest, either anomalous themselves, or living in and around anomalous communities. Anartists, magic users, cyborgs and extra-dimensional beings are only a few examples of what the Foundation has encountered. Scientists form the backbone of the Foundation, taking on a wide field of tasks from standard research to more specialised fields.

Researcher █████ is a Scientist Personnel currently employed by the Foundation as the Banshee.

Conditional, Voting
If the Anomaly kills you, all players learn this. From now on, you may nominate twice per day and vote twice per nomination.

You are aligned with the Anti-Foundation.
Your team wins when there are only two players left alive.

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Starting Grimoire

Lee ended as the Klutz.
Kelsier ended as the Evil Recluse.
Icet ended as the Evil Banshee.

The bluffs were Exorcist, Chef and Recluse (+ Cannibal, courtesy of the Boffin)

Additional receipts, if any exist, may pend shortly.


i wasn’t paying attention how did this game manage to end with the mez convert voting out their demon and the demon not voting for the conterwagon


What was the Meze word out of curiosity

ok i feel vindicated for reading that something was wrong that last day bc what was that dawg

Was it actually laboratory :joy_cat:

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Did Kiiruma actually think I got converted and Icet just turned out to get converted instead by accident?

It was going to be anomalous but then I realised that in the universe about ANOMALOUS OBJECTS THAT THE WORD ANOMALOUS WOULD NOT BE A GOOD IDEA

(and… chomps being good and alive and not suspected and clutching up the demon vote? looks like the chomps redemption arc may happen yet)

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Because I’m ngl that whisper with Kiiruma was still incredibly confusing

They legitimately tried but kelsier had converted icet first

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Was Kiiruma aware of this by Day 2?

I think so

The Mezepheles word was Laboratory.
Kelsier mentioned it offhandedly D1 to Hazard before converting Icet, although it got around to Kiiruma who also tried getting both Mistyx and yourself converted (I believe) without actually knowing whether Kelsier had given it or not.