April Showers The Third - DAY 3 (13/16)

Yes, I know, but Leafia is the clear counterwagon, so what am I supposed to do?

VOTE: kiiruma

Alright I’ll just wait the 50 seconds left to go then read the flip

D2 Final Votecount

Heiter (8): Rhea, soweli, Chomps, Kiiruma, Frostwolf103, Leafia, Jarek, SMILEY
Leafia (3): ElizaThePsycho, pandora, Heiter
Kiiruma (2): Creature, Canping
Chomps (1): carbonated

Not Voting (1): Marluna

@Heiter has been executed.

They were...

Night 2 has begun and will end at 2025-02-21T22:00:00Z.




@Creature has been killed.

He was...

Day 3 starts now, and ends at 2025-02-23T22:00:00Z.

Since there are 13 players alive, majority requires 7 votes.

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creature? weird

VOTE: Frostwolf103

Convince me this isn’t the pragmatic choice

I am town though

frost is town imo

Convince me

I didnt defend Heiter because he is wolf, I am not defending when there’s hard proof about the second visitor according to Pandora’s mech is known, one that doesnt belong to Smiley, that would have made Heiter being roleblock immune if he’s town

Agreed. Very weird. Assuming Heiter was the only anticvlaim for now and I’ll test that assumption now by fullclaiming my role. I have three abilities and I’m a town robot basically. Each day I select someone to be my master for that night and at the beginning of the night they get a list of my abilities and select one for me to use. I get to select the target though. O)ne ability allows me to rb someone. Another allows me to redirect everything used on my target to myself. The third tells me if my target was attacked or had attacked at any time during the game. Each ability can only be used once until all have been used and then they can all be used for a second time until all have been used twice etc etc.

Also, there’s 0% chance Pandora is telling the truth about mistaking what her ability does since Zone makes sure we understand what our abilities do perfectly before the game starts. She’s just a wolf here. Frost also tried suspiciously hard to make it look like Heiter was visited by SMILEY too. High chance that they’re both wolves here.

If you have a better lead, convince me to vote that. Telling me “X is town” isn’t enough for me I’m afraid.

If you want a case, I can give you the footnotes that I think someone who spent most of the game playing devils advocate for what turned out to be a powerful wolf role is someone I think is just a wolf themselves who didn’t want what is essentially their anti-claim +1 killer to die before using their ability.

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You literally defended Heiter for no reason Frost.

VOTE: Frost

The only reason is that I believed Smiley is the second visitor to Pandora’s mech though

That’s not nothing

no reason? He didn’t know i visited jarek