April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY


Me too.

carbonated (2): pandora, Leafia
Chomps (1): soweli
Kiiruma (1): Chomps

Not Voting (6): Rhea, Kiiruma, Marluna, carbonated, SMILEY, Jarek

let it be known that if wolves win it is because town lost

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D4 Final Votecount

carbonated (3): pandora, Leafia, SMILEY
Chomps (1): soweli
Kiiruma (1): Chomps

Not Voting (5): Rhea, Kiiruma, Marluna, carbonated, Jarek

@carbonated has been executed.

She was...

SMILEY has died.

Its role was...

Night 4 has begun and will end at 2025-02-27T22:00:00Z.



@Rhea has been killed.

She was...

Day 5 starts now, and ends at 2025-03-01T22:00:00Z.

Since there are 7 players alive, majority requires 4 votes.


It is currently MYLO.

Who the fuck roleblocked me last night when I’m an outed investigative?

And the thing is I know it’s not the fault of a neut.
It’s probably a mafia member who blocked me.


There goes the theory that both hoods had an evil.

Tssk tssk

Mylo means 3v5, 3v4 if we miss, 3v3 next day = loss, right?

If soweli is a true neutral then it’s fake mylo surely

I personally trust Soweli is a neutral.
The issue then is “Why is this MyLo?”


Time to send my MOTD to test if I’ve been anti-claimed

I have no idea what to do now othwr than to head back out to eat supper IRL. :sleepingleafeon:

I also just found out I recieved the ephemeral love mlm passive and gained access to the love neighborhood.

Basically this. :sleepingleafeon: