Actually thats the king not the prince. I think. I forgot
we had an axis with like 30 people from the community’s pfp and the game was to guess what the axis meant
the graph thing
it was like this
except in this case there’s only 2 people, it was made in paint and it’s so obvious you don’t have to guess - the x axis is obviously bitch - not bitch and the y axis is obviously loser - winner
Didn’t take Wazza for the die-hard anarchist type
like these
I love how chloe said political axis
as if I was FoL’s resident anarcho-communist
Did I ever say what thatw as
i dunno!!
It was creepy and wet
Idk which one I would rather be lol
You’re moderately creepy moderately dry
There’s two axes. Creepy to not creepy and wet to dry
Like The Liquid or like humor
Youwere notcreepy and dry
i cant really tell which is which andd what direction they go tbh
Because then May is like 0% Creepy 100% Dry