13337th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

im not a particularly big fan of yellow or blue

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ur cute :blush:

i didnt stare at my screen for 8 minutes. i just … i dunno. i paused for 8 minutes and then i was like WAIT and i responded. my brain stalls sometime. its normal it happens to everyone right

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give me a second its been a while hahah :heart

… knitting?

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what’s my favorite song

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nyaaaaaaaa garfield are you /srs or /j

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you may wish to try sleeping more if real

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you never told me internally screaming

youve shared man who sold the world and that christmas song. if these were the only two songs in the world i go with the first one

if i had to make a wild guess id guess:


it’s Blood and Thunder by Mastodon

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then what’s one of my top five albums

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ive been in a crêpes mood for a while

do you like crepes, tutuu

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crepes are shit

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im scared when people are serious :pleading_face:

im scared if they will be mean to me

serious = mean to me

exmilitary by deathgrips


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yeah i love them. very common dessert, very tasty. whats your favorite filling for them? i like chocolate

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whats one of your top five albums?

i tend to dislike chocolate covering on ~anything

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its a chocolate filling though. Completely different


strawberry jam or berries? ive never had them with a non-liquidy filling. chocolate, honey, or jam. we have savory crepes too with cheese and/or ham or white brined cheese or greens

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strawberries arent berries
theyre fruits
but both, kinda

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