17776th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

Oh, what I meant is destroy the cult and kill the rest what the paladin king cant kill.

How is divide and conquer a theme, as I meant to say its a metaphor

Still, divide and conquer has nice ring to it.

@Atlas it loaded


The plan almost worked, but I didnt choose to convert Town Alchemist’s alignment which means the town cult leader cant add the alchemist and make them converted version since alchemist is considered neutral role. The cult leader can only convert roles.



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The idea that any role is alignment-bound is childish to me. Contradictory roles (e.g., Mafia IC) can exist, but they’d just not be seen in any non-True-Bastard setups. Otherwise using odd combinations such as Town Godfather and Mafia Miller is not a problem to me.

My wish is to invent new variations of roles. Inventing a whole new role is a burden too heavy for me to bear. So I had to settle down with the next best thing.

For instance, instead of Doctors -a classic protective role which can heal one other player- and Inventors -a classic support role that gives out many types of 1S items-, why not combine them? And thus an Inventor-like role which specialized in giving out healing items -Potion Vendor- was born.

But what’s that? Someone had paranoia that Potion Vendor’s items were coming from a Neutral? What a fantastic idea! And thus a Neutral Potion Vendor -Plague Vendor- was born.

Ah… I love making these roles.

Yeah. It’s so good I apparently already turned it into a role five months ago.

That is one good example with doctor, inventor and make it neutral, what makes it different than a monk however?

Mafia innocent child would only reveal as ‘innocent child’ is it not?

Besides the target get to keep a potion, the one receiving is informed of the potion and passively consumes when attacked?

…I think, I can go even further beyond.
A.S. The Third - Alternative : Quantum already has some aspects of this type of theme, but that one only focuses on the first half.

I think. . . I can do the second half as well.

MergeSplit. A merge method by splitting a task into subtasks before executing them and recombining them. Division as a pre-existing mechanic, and conquering as a form of agency…

Yeah, I might be able to make a setup based on AS3-AQ. (Hoo boy, this tree will look very wonky.)

…? Monk is just a Neut Doc whose wincon is to heal people rather than to win with Town. A rather innovative role I came across when scrolling through the MU Role Database.

After I receiving reviews from A.S. Overhaul, I noticed that Doctor Mason was indeed too strong, so I nerfed it to Doctor Neighbor in A.S. Reconstructed. I didn’t want a pseudo-Masonry, so I threw in a Monk into the mix and formed this Mafia-free neighborhood. …I feel like I could’ve improved this a tad bit more though.

Yes, but Innocent means Town, and a Mafia member being host-confirmed as Town-aligned is untrue and therefore bastard. However this level of untruth exceeds the level of acceptability and therefore the use of Mafia IC is far, far less than Mafia Godfather.

Yep. It’s a consumable item.
Sometimes I like to add small twists to them. E.g., by adding a Delayed modifier to it, so that the users don’t heal tonight, but next night instead.

I assume the one receiving is the target, but yes: They are informed of the full extent of what the potion can do. Rather than adding hidden effects to the potion, I prefer giving the Vendor abilities that interacts with those who drank the potions. That way, I can still be a truthful host while not revealing all information to the players who drank the potions.


It’s a consumable that needs to be used, just like any ability. I also added in that it can’t be used alongside any other ability, because if you want that insta-heal, then you gotta pay the price for it! Essentially, instead of “doctor potions” these should be called “jailkeeper potions”. :smile:

Hm… Why did I stop here, I wonder?
I can… go so much further beyond!
These are “potions”! They can do anything!
*looks at Minecraft*


What goal do you think neutral inventor doctor will have, because the reason I mention the monk is their goal is to successfully heal two players and leave the game

Mafia and town goals for their alignment are straightforward, so what of neutrals

Well you already know about Monk.
And I already mentioned Plague Vendor.
So uh… Not sure what else you want.
I mean, I can get more wincons, but “heal” or “kill” is already enough IMO.

So yeah, not so different then?

April Showers Divided (Definitely not deus ex mankind divided reference, no sir)

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so I was looking into cocaine if I ever wanted to try it but I looked on the subreddit and it’s a bunch of fucking degenerates so looks like ill miss on that
love how not becoming a coke degen is a higher priority than any other reason you shouldn’t try it


I mean this is so insane