13337th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

I’ve been to uhhhhhhhhhh at least 2
probably exactly 2?

I’ve been to a lot of weddings.
Honestly, my worst memory from them is that my mom would order me to go and dance, and I didn’t really want to do it.

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been to roughly 8-9

apparently i was at a wedding when i was very very young and it was outdoors. and my parents were trying to stop me from running off a cliff basically the entire time


I’m coming for your head.


yea actually ive been to 10x more wedding receptions for randomass cousins and randomass mormon family friends in which i am forced to sit around for 3 hours (usually without my phone since this was usually before i had one) and do nothing

one of them was in 2nd grade
one of my second grade teachers invited the entire class (??????????????????) to her wedding LOL


got an awesome new pet



I always feel like everybody’s been to more weddings than me but I think my impression of ‘everybody’ is an older demographic htan I am in


that’s so funny

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this is so fucking funny to me and it really shouldn’t be i blew $10 on a fucking rock


that tiny pamphlet is like 80 pages long in font size 2

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so… bad rom com

one genuine pedigree 100% certified pet rock (as seen in the movies)

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I once blew £10 to go see a Demon Slayer compilation film in theaters. It happens.

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you get it

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this is more useful i think


I once spent ten dollar on mahjongsoul

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in case you’re wondering yes it’s literally just a rock with googly eyes and it’s the funniest thing ever

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