13337th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

Their policy stated they would give a refund too

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They’re referring to a CRichard post.

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NEW IDEA: baseball doesnt exist video except everything said is a blatant lie


my fol lagged

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somehow it did not load the new posts

original post got mod deleted. Dont worry about it


It’s a slow process but it’s going to be painful for them I think?

oh lmao

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Nope it’s not.

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oh it lagged for me too then. i just assumed the post was deleted entirely


Imagine having such a shitty company that your processor BAILS on you for too many charge hacks

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which leads to you being even charge back more because you can’t refund them!

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Can I just say how it’s so funny to recieve a letter that basically “hello can you help Mr. [Last Name]” from a state talking to a different state

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It seems taking sides in a war is frowned upon here.

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I’d, uh, veer away from political stuff in general.

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may i re-iterate that its bait

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The only politics I’ll accept is how america is the greatest place on earth with no flaws whatsoever in any shape or form


:man_shrugging: Not a bad idea.

god bless Australia…