13337th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

chat help there’s a worm on my bed

update probably not worm and no longer on my bed

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true. when i flop i flop hard.


gives me the freedom to get a little more expirimental and eventually have a banger or two but it also means i have some rough showings


i have NO followers and NO notes. this may be attributable to the fact i don’t post unless it’s to make polls intended to prove a point


Oh I mean I have plenty of 0 note posts but they mostly are just blogging. I do blogging on my blog

Which means that it’s not embarrassing to not get any notes. It’s just a blogging. I don’t need the likes

The thing that is funny is that sometimes people just reblog my blogging

what is blogging in this context

yeah this is me trying to be funny and getting 0 notes. I thought it would strike a chord. modern american family. but no


A blog is an informational website consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries. Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page.

Why people reblog my friend sending me anon hate about my life failings

ok but what’s the line between “blogging on a blog” and not (besides reblogs)

another rough showing

Blogging is when a website is your diary. Posting is when you are some kind of comedian or writer for a website

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Marissa makes posts because she thinks other people will find htem funny. I make posts to record various very important thoughts for myself later

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i don’t think i’ll ever have a hater dedicated enough to go through my posts just to find ones i got zero likes on to showcase it to others



i am my own biggest hater