13337th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

watermelon are less calorie dense than apple. but its probably cheaper than apples for total amount of calories? could be

I think with watermelons part of the way they cheat is probably also “eating air”

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Watermelons are mostly sugar, water, and air

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hey tutuu

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do you still use the same discord


hey geyde

they got a new one iirc


Geyde what’s an opinion on fruit that you think would make your family disown you

This wouldn’t lead to me being disowned but my aunt is convinced eating the leaves off strawberry isn’t good but it’s like! Too much time to remove the leaves! The strawberries taste fine too!


Like, a true opinion?

Yeah sure but you could make it up too

have to think about it

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it would have to be a gimmick take about how grapes are meant for consumption and not for wine

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If my strawberries are yellow are they bad

Partly yellow

my parents like wine an Unhealthy amount

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its fine to eat them* (not a professional opinion) (ive seen people making fruit leather out of them and not removing the green parts.) its not poison so like, why not

this is actually true

wine is easily the most overrated alcohol you like have to eat shit with it for it to actually taste nice

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I can’t enjoy any alcohol other than spirits