13337th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

orange you’re setting yourself up with this one


i know im usually making fun of you for being pathetic and beta but Id like to say its really cool to see you go from “fol token cishet” to “bisexual nail painting”
unironically though. be proud of not only who you are but the path you took to get here


No you don’t


ja, ja

'm glad that you appear to be finding yourself and not letting people hold you back because they want more straight cis males near them or because its the norm

yeah i dont think cats count towards the cishet pile


Do I give off straight vibes
What vibes do I give off chat

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I give off cat vibes tbh

you remind me of a cat


i have no fucking clue. but i have bad heterovision i cant tell what you italy or geyde are in any form but i dont have a reason to ask so i just ignore it

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mind you I cant tell what atlas is either. i think im just stupid

Tutuu asked me what my sexuality was previously and I ignored them because to be honest it’s whatever I decide it to be at that moment which is either none gay or straight, which sounds weird but it makes sense to me

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oh oh oh oh

thats a thing

yeah thats real

I have no idea what that thing is

theres something about that
i forgot what its called

bros getting out the encyclopedia

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that thing is You youre that thing

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I didn’t know this was an actual thing

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