13337th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

god im too old for this

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close enough


Same universe, different shows.


im surprised i even made the connection

go me


mid in mid hate to see it

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I got some frozen spring rolls at the super market only because @May talked about them, otherwise they would have made no impression on me. This was a case of accidental effective advertisement im realizing


@Zone_Q11 today is wazza’s birthday, are you drinking for their health? You owe them that much

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For today alone, Zone has to take a shot for every setup Wazza creates.


16:44 self reminder so i dont burn my spring rolls. :44. :44. Fourty four

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22 do you hear the voices

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I don’t do that tradition.


Only if they are Special. And I’ll only drink one glass since I don’t have small cups.


Only when im really anxious / afraid. I dont hear them, but i imagine my friends and everybody disliking / hating me. Do you hear voices? I used to have a schizophrenic discord friend. I hope shes doing well. She stopped being my friend because we got close and started sharing about our personal lives and one of her irl friends was unhealthily paranoid about strangers knowing about him and had a meltdown and she soothed him by deleting our message history and then started sneakily talking to me on an alt and eventually we drifted apart

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he hears us


Well, we need more Special games anyways.
@Wazza, you know what you must do.


I do assign voices when I read peoples posts in my internal monologue. Yours is a bit squeaky. Kind of like a 14 year old Fortnite kid

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in my head everyone is my voice. however i dont have a voice so my voice is just whatever my brain has recently picked up from listening to shit. this ranges from middle-tone neutral accent to Literally Some Guy ive recently heard

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i have less voice today than usual. low on fuel

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You deserve a headpat

i know for a fact you could never pat someones head for real. shame

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