13337th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

I need to wake up at 9;10 I set an alarm but I might not wake due to it, please yell at me metaphorically if I don’t wake up by then

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i will psychically beam it into your mind


well if the kicks aren’t too hard then sure >⌄<

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wow signups are filled with games


is willow hosting 2 at once???

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I am playing both.


i was an overconfident high schooler who thought they knew everything


i don’t think it’s any more or less complicated than that




one is on MU tho



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i’ll get you to review anarchy 2 it’ll be great truss


anarchic? like the

@Aleph, Circle Mafia setup.

Circle Mafia


  • There are four levels of existence:
    • Alive:
      • The conventionally known realm where humanity resides.
      • Can vote to send someone to the Circle of the Dead
        • Upon death, people only flip their alignment.
      • Serves as the basis for town and conquistador win conditions.
    • Dead:
      • The realm of those who have lost their physical body but maintain their spirit through their will to return; this will is called a Connection.
      • The Circle opens every even night.
        • When the Circle is open, those in the Circle of the Dead vote on a target to track, watch, and follow, with the results being sent to a living player of their choosing (the people in the Circle of the Dead will not see the result). This is decided in two separate votes that work like executions in the Circle of the Alive.
        • When the Circle of the Lost is also open, they will be granted two abilities:
          • In addition to their usual result, they may give a player in the Circle of the Living two vig shots, which they must use within three nights.
          • They may reattach a Connection to someone in the Circle of the Lost.
    • Lost:
      • The realm of those whose Connection, through a loss of their will to live, has been severed, leading them to wallow in despair.
      • Attracted to the Circle of the Living, with the two realms being held apart by the existence of Connections.
        • If there are three or fewer Connections for four or more nights, both realms will come in contact, causing the Collision.
      • This is the realm where The Author resides.
      • Opens every third night, starting with night 1.
      • Every night, those in the Circle of the Lost vote on a target and send the last five messages sent in their channel (or mafia chat if they’re mafia, though the other members will not be identified as such) to someone of their choosing in the Circle of the Dead (the people in the Circle of the Lost will not see the result).
    • Truly Lost:
      • The realm of those who have made peace with their lack of existence.
      • A spectator who cannot enter the game again.


The Author

Win Condition: Have either the conquistadors or the colliders win.

  • You will be sent to the Circle of the Lost at the end of D0 and cannot be moved from one Circle to another.
  • When the Circle of the Lost opens, you may send a message to each mafia faction (the conquistadors and the colliders).
    • These messages have a maximum length of 1,000 characters each.
    • These messages will be encoded in a vigenère cipher, with the Author choosing the code phrase.
  • Every night, you may get the last ten messages from someone’s role channel. This works identically to the Circle of the Lost’s ability.
  • Every night, you may drag a person from the Circle of the Dead to the Circle of the Lost.
  • Every night after N1, you may send messages to up to three people in any Circle (aside from that of the Truly Lost).
    • These messages have a maximum length of 500 characters each.


Win Condition: Make up at least 50% of all alive players.

  • Roletext Cop
    • Every night, you may investigate a player and get their roletext.
  • Understudy
    • Once during the game, you may take up the role of a dead player, making it a mafia role.
    • You are a Godfather, making you appear as town upon investigation.
  • Will Forger
    • As long as you live, all conquistadors will flip town.
  • Lawyer/Framer
    • Once per night, you may make a conquistador appear, upon investigation, as town or a town member appear, upon investigation, as mafia.


Win Condition: Cause the Collision.

  • Recruiter
    • Every even night, you may recruit someone to your cause.
  • Witch Doctor
    • Every night, you can heal someone.
    • If your target is not a collider, they will die two phases later.
  • Disguiser
    • As long as you live, all colliders will be found as town upon investigation.


Win Condition: Remove all threats to the festival-goers (town).

  • Redirector
    • Every night, you may redirect all actions targeting a player onto another player.
    • For example, if Player A was targeted by Players B and C, and you redirect Player A to Player D, Players B and C would instead target D.
  • Armorer
    • Every even night, you may give someone a bulletproof vest, shielding them from a night attack.
    • You may not target yourself.
  • Jailor
    • Every night, you may jail someone, doctoring and roleblocking them.
  • Controller
    • Every night, you may redirect your target’s action, if they take one, onto another target.
    • Your target will be told they were redirected if they took a night action.
  • Coin Flipper
    • Each night, you may select one person, and assign them ‘town’ or ‘mafia.’
    • Every three successful actions, you will be told whether the majority of your three guesses were correct.
    • This action bypasses any alignment altering abilities.
  • 2x Vanillizer
    • Twice per game, you may target a player during the night, causing that player to permanently lose their role for the rest of the game.
  • Reverser
    • Every night, you may target a player and reverse their action, causing them to instead do the opposite of what their action would generally do.
    • For example, if you were to reverse the doctor, they would kill their target instead.
  • Bus Driver
    • Every night, you may target two players and switch them, causing any actions directed at one to be used on the other instead.
    • For example, if Player A is targeted by Player B, Player C is targeted by Player D, and you bus drove Players A and C, Player B would instead target Player C, and Player D would instead target Player A.
  • Watcher
    • Every night, you may choose a player and see who they targeted.
  • Poisonous Fruit Vendor
    • Every night, you may deliver a poisoned fruit to a player. If they receive the fruit, they will die in two phases.
      • You may flavor your fruit however you wish so long as it is deemed not game-relevant.
    • Your visit is loud.
  • Inventor
    • Every night, you may gift a gadget to a player, granting them its power.
    • You may only gift each gadget once.
    • You may not use gadgets or gift them to yourself.
    • Gadgets:
      • Bulletproof Vest
        • Your target will be protected from a night attack.
      • Gun
        • Your target will gain a vig shot for the following night.
        • This will expire the night after.
      • Giant Magnet
        • Your target may choose another player. Any actions targeting the selected player that night are redirected to target the holder of the Giant Magnet.
        • This power is immune to roleblocks.
      • Spirit Circle
        • Your target will be allowed to speak in the Circle of the Dead during the next day phase.
  • Empowerer
    • Every night, you may target someone, guaranteeing that their action goes through.
  • Grave Digger
    • Every night, you may choose a dead player and get their roletext.
  • Neighborizer
    • Every night, you may visit a player and add them to a neighborhood group chat, where you can discuss the game at any time.
    • If you die, the neighborhood will remain open, but it cannot recruit new members.
  • Jack-of-all-Trades (JOAT)
    • Every night, you may choose to do one of four actions.
    • You cannot repeat actions.
    • Actions:
      • You may shoot someone.
      • You may make your vote count as five votes the following day.
      • You may roleblock someone.
      • You may investigate someone.
  • Improviser
    • Your role changes throughout the course of the game.
    • Nights 1-3
      • You may choose a target and learn who visited them that night.
    • Nights 4-6
      • You may choose a target and learn what actions were performed upon them that night.
    • Day 7+
      • You may choose for your vote to count twice.
  • Commuter Deputy
    • Every night, you may choose to commute.
    • Once the cop dies, you will no longer be able to commute, but you will gain their powers.
  • Vigilante
    • Every night, you may choose a person to shoot.
  • Trapper
    • Every night, you may take position above a target and kill a random person who visits them. This kill prioritizes mafia, then 3P, then town.
  • Alignment Cop
    • Every night, you may investigate someone and discover their alignment.
  • Tracker
    • Every night, you may choose a player and see who they visited.
  • Doctor
    • Every night, you may choose a player and protect them from a kill action.
  • Ouendan
    • Every night, you may target a player and allow them to perform two actions during the next night phase.
      • If your target is an X-shot, they may use two shots at the cost of only one but only during the night this ability is active.
  • 5x Voter
    • During every day phase, your vote counts for five votes.


  • Communist
    • Each night, you may choose a player. If that player was targeted by several actions, only the highest priority action will go through. The other actions will be distributed to players who were not targeted by any actions.
      • If all living players were targeted by at least one action, all actions will be randomly redirected.
      • You will be told if you redistributed actions, but you will not be told which actions you allowed or redirected.
    • Win Condition: Successfully redistribute actions three times.
  • Blackout
    • Starting on N4, you may cause a blackout, causing all actions to be redirected to a random person in the mass chaos.
      • This ability has a four night cooldown (if you act on N4, you can only act again on N8).
    • Win Condition: Cause two blackouts.
  • Medium
    • Every odd night, you may revive someone from the Circle of the Dead.
    • Win Condition: Revive three people.

Not sleepy. Hbu?

sure why not

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let’s gooooo

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i love giving sleep deprived college age people a nuclear football


in unrelated news i was both correct in my predictions that it would take unnecessarily long and that it wouldnt go well but i am getting my computer back which is some joy



my birthday doesn’t start or end until I sleep, family tradition

and trust me I’ve been drinking in your honor