13337th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

I think it would be funny if we had a game or just a conversation where everyone roleplayed / masqueraded as another foler. Like the drabble duel game but in real time. Also i miss the live presence feature. Can we reenable it? Who even plays mafia anymore?


itā€™s weird that thereā€™s mafia threads in my general discussion forum


can i pretend to be a banned user


No aliens


i have chicken super often irl but in minecraft this is probably correct and I assume thatā€™s what this is


No one chooses the beef in Parkour Civilization

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any good chicken recipes in correctly stealing a bunch of recipes from people


it replenishes one more hunger! itā€™s so worth it trust!


but you need to make a one block vertical jump

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also benguined by baseball friend

predictions for the AL/NLDS

royals only put up three runs in the wild card series, they lose to a real team unless the yankees royally shit the bed. which is possible! royals win both their home games to push it to 5 though.

tigers beat the guardians in 4 because of course they do. i predict a clase blown save for narrative purposes.

phillies get to feel what itā€™s like for once when the mets beat them in 4. despite all logic suggesting they shouldnā€™t. and despite various mets attempts to blow their wins.

padres sweep the dodgers. in a cinematic parallel to mike troutā€™s one playoff run ohtani goes 1 for 12.

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iā€™m afraid this would make for peak baseball

sony is attempting to skirt the new california law by making forced arbitration an opt out process

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because having your face shoved in the mud once just isnā€™t enough i guess

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big fan of just sous vide cooking a fuck ton of chicken breast all at once and then cutting it up into chunks and stir frying it with some vegetables to make like a weekā€™s worth of pre-prepared stir fry all at once


make a half cup of rice in a personal rice cooker and microwave the pre-prepped stir fry and boom



i dont think this is a politics there are straight up just people like this its insane


okay this implies if it was Minecraft cops and robbers it would be a bad thing

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listen to optimistic by Radiohead

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