13337th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))



do u guys sneeze loud

when i sneeze i go RRRRRRRRRRISHU

one time in uni when i sneezed a girl in the row in front of me turned around and looked at me mortified

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mostly inaudible or quiet

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ur such a woman

In class Iā€™ll usually only half-sneeze, like Iā€™ll get halfway through a sneeze and stop it because I donā€™t want to be loud in class. When I am not in class I sneeze very loudly

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Sort of a bisexual sneezer



you can stop your sneezes?

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ive heard it happen. ive only seen women do it. i dont know how. its like she is about to cough (well sneeze) but sheā€™s somehow holding it in. or like. she stops herself. i felt frustrated for her behalf every time she did it. like just let out the sneeze sis wtf

that has to be one of the perks of being a guy that its not seen as socially disruptive of me to sneeze loudly. maybe? and/or i just dont feel bad about it. im not annoyed when other people do it like its a protective reflex. sneezing and coughing are normal. peopleā€™s health matters more than anything. the sounds that are disruptive and i disdain are unnecessary rubbing of shoes on floor. i HATE THAT SO MUCH. i hate it when people rub their shoes on the floor. the sound it makes can be like nails on chalkboard. fucking.

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i think that the proper english phrase is ā€œdragging oneā€™s feetā€?

no its not

Canā€™t everyone?

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Stopping sneezes is usually bad because of how much force a sneeze is

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how tf do you do it? is your mouth built different?


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maybe it has to do with nose sensitivity? my nose is very sensitive i constantly need to wipe it after eating all sorts of food. maybe if your nose isnā€™t sensitive itā€™s not that big a deal to not sneeze? no idea im guessing blindly

i made myself sneeze just now by thinking really hard about it

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itā€™s not really stopping a sneeze in the sense of the sneeze disappearing
itā€™s actually dangerous to stop a sneeze as it can rupture your ear drums

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may made herself faint and you did that. you two have such powerful imagination. now imagine yourselves with some bitches