17776th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

is this jon bois. this feels like jon bois

It’s an edit of a Jon Bois frame

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Original one was about basketball I believe

isnt that the guy that made calvin and hobbes

no its the dude with the hobbes pfp on twitter who posts funny sports thing.

btw reform part 3 drops in 17 hours. we are so back (ignore the fact its been out on patreon for months )

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i looked it up and briefly wondered if i was crazy

it drives me up a wall whenever i see someone drink a cold can of soda straight out of the fridge. you can taste all the notes if you're patient enough to wait a couple days to allow it to go flat and come to room temperature. either let it breathe or save it for someone who will

— Jon Bois (@jon_bois) September 13, 2024

In Blaseball, scoring more runs than your opponent means that you non-lose, and scoring fewer runs means that you lose. Losses and non-losses are shown in your record on the standings page, but they don’t matter for anything. What actually matters for playoff contention is Wins, which are a physical object with mass forged by a sun. The team who non-lose get a Win, unless Turntables are in effect, in which case they get an Unwin, unless Sun(Sun) is ALSO in effect, in which case the Unwin is Squared into a Win. Wins can also be forged through various other processes - in Sun 2 weather, if a team scores 10 runs those runs are removed and converted into a Win (known as “looping”) which can often mean they end up losing the game despite having scored more runs. Because they didn’t have more Runs (the physical object). Black Hole weather did the same, except instead of gaining a win you would remove one from your opponents. Sun 30 gave both teams a Win for extra innings. Then there were other Suns that just did Runs: Sun .1 meant each consecutive scoring play in an inning was worth 0.1 more runs, Equals Sun meant that if you hit a home run in the last out of the game the game would automatically tie, except in one case, and Maximum Sun meant scoring plays made during Maximum Blaseball (bases loaded 2 outs 2 strikes 3 balls, so all the scoreboard lights were used) were worth 3x.

The one case was a floating-point arithmetic error.

i remember observing Blaseball for a bit
shame its dead

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It was good.

anyways i will now sleep. Sunday appraoches and i NEED watson’s ACL to be snapped

this guy’s great

you will binge all of his series on the history of the falcons or vikings. i expect a dissertation on one or the other by the time i arise from my slumber

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Twitter pls embed

scorigami was in my dreams last night what the fuck

Well they’ve been doing it recently


weak nerds

A lot of the bait identification for me is just knowing what categories they’ve already done lol, if something would be really obviously retreading old ground I tend to ignore it. IDT they’ve done steak before tho this one it was just instinct

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