17776th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

whatever this marketing tactic is called

it worked

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Weddings are my actual nightmare?

My dad is drunk and gets an unfiltered 10-15 minutes to talk about my childhood with my friends? My mom is drunk at the single likeliest event to make her cry? I am the only person who knows half the people there? And I pay tens of thousands of dollars to do that??

what is wrong with people


Funniest part of that was that I saw two girls, one about 14 and the other about 11, dressed up in Demon Slayer merch and capes and hyped to see the film.
And then it ended, and they had to listen to their father insist that it wasn’t a real film.
The poor children are never seeing the final arc trilogy after that.


Weddings sound pretty conceptually fun I get to be in charge of clothing

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I love being in charge of clothing

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girl you don’t know how much i wish we had just gone to the fucking courthouse


i read a book one time about this gay person who gets invited to their (extremely straight) best friend’s wedding as their maid of honor, or whatever that was called
this is in a Slightly Different alternate universe in which marriages got hardpushed by the government and became an even bigger culturally important thing and is otherwise exactly the same
and then there becomes a thing called like, wedding roses or something. which are Superstitious Things you have to do to get Good Luck In Your Marriage
and so this person who is getting married with their gay best friend as the maid of honor. and they’re REALLY INTO these wedding shenanigans, all of which are taken from randomass online boards or forums
and naturally, she takes the advice of a stranger on the internet about how to give good luck to your marriage,
and tries to murder her gay best friend


it wasnt real, it never happened

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Ms win.
god is good.
i just need all the pitchers of the tigers and twins to get an injury lasting until the end of the season

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weddings fucking suck tbh

but that’s mostly because the neurotypical world fucking sucks tbh



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i do not remember
at least one

Consulted my parents, and they said I’ve been to about fourteen.

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the idea of having a bunch of people assembled to put all of their eyes on me and just repeatedly put me in the spotlight, even with my partner present, feels like a humiliation ritual

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ok but it wouldnt be an accident

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I think proposing at other peoples weddings is generally frowned upon umless youre the long lost ex of the bride/groom and you come in right as they finish reading their voes to profess your love for the bride/groom and explain why their current partner is evil




I need to go to a wedding where that happens.

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