17776th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

Or had a name

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its an actual thing
i think its like genderfluid but with preferences

It’s mostly because I don’t really consider people hot unless I think about it so it’s whatever I decide whenever I turn my thinking hat on

Which is usually never in public

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Nor really in private either

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everything has a name. youre generally not alone in your experiences

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they’re putting chemicals in the water that’s turning the folers gay



Glad to know that “I’m that thing”


okay i dont think anyone has described their sexuality with the term Thinking Hat before thats a new one


nuh uh
they’re putting chemicals in the water that’s turning the frogs gay
but they’re eating the frogs, they’re eating the wolves

I feel like this is extremely close to aroace

And I don’t really consider it bi because I have to actively turn my brain on and my brain isn’t geared towards those things it’s mostly thinking about oh shit my AirPods just got to 20% and I really want an iced chai tea latte


i think its called something like “sexual fluidity”

which is what you just described but ongoing

i’ll try to see if theres an exact term

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wow this is like the most genuine thing you’ve ever said to me

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Abrosexual, i think

Sounds like a Pokémon


On brand for litten

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i originally intended on doing it because my housemates keep telling me to get with a girl so like if they saw it and realized what it meant it would be a subtle “fuck you”


abrosexuals after reaching level 16 and turning into kadabro sexuals