17776th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

Keep in mind I also hate movies so I do not care very much about them

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oh yeah. it is what it is. i’m not unhappy with movies we have as they are. i was just thinking about an alternate universe for the sake of thinking / imagining for fun

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I think most fiction, even that which creators have full control over, ends up kinda weird and off and shallow [to me]. Like Really Makes You Think indie games and shit. Most things feel like mimicries of that which has come before them

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I need novelty all the time

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like undertale yellow…

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undertale fangames are notably the most novel genre of game

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I exactly did not play Undertale Yellow at first because its genre makes it really hard for it to be novel. But I played it, for the people

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and now we get to talk about how bad a mother ceroba is. gaming win


I don’t disagree, there is a saying that goes around that there are about 9 archetypes of plots for any type of fiction, and everything is just mimicing predecessors

(apologies for the patriarchal language, thats just what they call them)

  • man vs man
  • man vs self
  • man vs nature
  • man vs society
  • man vs fate/god
  • man caught in the middle
  • male and female
  • man vs machine
  • man vs unknown

hm. i probably could have written person instead of man, it doesnt serve the point to be man specifically but im not bothering rn

I love books and things and such which feel like reports of a world rather than a plot. I like being in an environment

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What did Atlas mean by this

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yaoi isnt any of those


maybe you don’t see yaoi as adversarial combat but it’s textbook man vs man to me


now that i look at it this is more so archetypes of conflict. so maybe i said the wrong thing. not archetypes of plots, but of conflicts. plots could probably use some different words. romance, as u just suggested

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If you take a broader sense of the word “vs”

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Strange thing to check cookie thread and see


Yaoi discussion is normal.


Yaio is man vs man? Does that mean the men are fighting at who’s better at Yaio?


how is man and woman an archetype of conflict

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