17776th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

I think we should play a game where you are the ball and we all kick you around

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the spirit of the mariners is with the royals god willing

for small market baseball

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ill be real a game has never made me mad like the achro game did anc thats saying something


I’ll send it once I get back to my dorm.

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i joined expecting it to be a funny haha time and proceeded to end up undergoing psychological experiments that are banned by the united nations

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Everyon besides tutuu got this message btw


Hello! Achromatic here! Bob sent me this to give you. Anything after this sentence may be shared, but not copy/pasted, publically unless specifically stated and yes there is a specific section that states a couple of things!

Greetings. Bob here. As a multidimensional entity of some repute I have been asked by my legal team - don’t ask how that works please it’s complicated and you don’t have the brain capacity - to ask for you to sign a small form. It’s a simple matter really. Standard for all games in most places around the multiverse. I am sure you aren’t one of those universes that is so backwater that this isn’t the standard.

By agreeing, quoting, acknowledging, or completely ignoring this form but posting in the topic anyway you are waiving any rights you may have related to the “Mafia” game. The hosts are not held responsible for any of the following happening to you as a result of your participation in this voluntary and completely not coerced event:

  • Death
  • Injury
  • Annoyance
  • Laughter
  • Sadness
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Cackling heard faintly from host chat.
  • Actually make that any disease can’t be too careful
  • Irritability
  • Role rigging, real or imagined
  • Being brought back to life at the hands of specifically a human or vaguely humanoid-shaped creature. We have insurance on other types of Necromancers and should this happen you will receive a small check in the mail for the inconvenience. Yes we have your address. No you didn’t give it to us.
  • Death again if the above happened to you.
  • Hidden changes to the game
  • Hang nails
  • Entering a black hole
  • Anything and everything that your beautiful little mind can conjure!

Finally, you also waive the right to express any negative commentary to your hosts. If you breach this there will be litigation.

We are not unfeeling monsters though. We understand it is hardwired into players DNA to complain about something not at all important. For proper complaints please send DMs to the mod Katze with the following text: “katze is one of the stupidest players I’ve ever seen. Literally every time I play with them they make some sort of dumb read that no one understands and get upset at people for not listening. I wish she would just quit the site.”

Without quotations marks. You may send this to them once a day with the title of the DM being the nature of your complaint. This ensures a fun environment for both players and hosts, and a respected mod can hear your concerns and take appropriate action. Please don’t DM Katze more than once per a day phase or for the same complaint twice. A mod as esteemed as Katze should be respected and only have their time used for valuable, needed things not repeats from previous days.


Anyways, example QBCord game chaos (not mine):


i still remember when i had a fucking glimmer of joy because i was asked what my favourite pokemon was because it meant i could mention female symbol. thats when i became Heisenberg


hahahaha peak


Sorry the game wasn’t fun I should have probably stepped in there

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It took me a while to see this but you’re highkey hilarious

Was it mechanically relevant in any way? I sent messages each day because I thought it would be.

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You tried you absolutely tried i remember
I appreciate what you tried to do it was not your fault

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god card 2 when i need that shit injected in my veins ASAP

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I don’t think sending messages was mechanically relevant, but the mole thing was absolutely relevant

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There wasnt a reward iirc?

The GodCard I ran was called “Third Time’s the Charm" for a reason.
The first and second games weren’t mine.

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omg i forgot dama
then god card 4 the god card strikes back?

So I filed a toxicity unban request to Katze for no reason!

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I remember trying to join and Simon forgetting me