17776th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

good luck on your finals!!! :heart:

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tutuu how have you been

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rate the deck teehee (ignore the banned cards teehee)


hi latte

hi pith

how are you

dizzy but otherwise alright
how are you

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fine! chilling :P how about you dear? :heart:

i said how i felt a bit above

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i love you! :heart:

who is the foler who scares you the most guys? for me its daeron. i didnt use to be afraid of him. i used to laugh at him, i thought he’s pathetic and a dork. but then i saw him talking calmly and sternly with punctuation and capitalization (my sworn enemy) and he was stern in that one mafia game where he modkilled a wrongdoer. i was terrified ever since. i almost cried and wanted to apologize to him and whine to bribe him to get on his good side so he doesnt mess with me


youve made several wrong judgements in your life and this is one


the logical answer would probably be orangeandblack5
but none of us are really scary

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im wrong to think he’s pathetic or wrong to not think he’s pathetic?

i think orange is harmless. what would he do to you? at most he says stuff you disagree with. i havent seen him insult or rage. he also looks skinny and smol and fluffy irl. what is the worst he can do to you, hug you to death?

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yeah like jester is a bad role

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i think not knowing how people are like makes them scarier to you. i used to be a bit scared of arctic in fam3. he was so different. and then i saw he’s completely different. daeron said he looks like this

(on the left)

there is no way i would ever be afraid of someone who looks like that, but i just cant imagine him looking like that. he is very scary in my mind. tall and buff and with a lot of strength and he’d kill me if he wanted to. coz he talks like that. dangerous aura