17776th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

my boyfriend is 6 ft

though strangely i also think i would care less if a woman partner was taller than me now


im pretty sure i drank a normal amount of milk but like, it doesn’t just make you taller lmao you just need a normal amount to reach your capacity


also its funny how you always slander may about this when she’s literally the average height for someone afab


Im scared of May and now that I think about it it would be entertaining if in real life she was angry with me and walked up right next to me to yell at me. She would have to look way up to look at me in the eyes and Id have mixed feelings between anxiety and trying to not smile

I think I could soothe a lot of my internet anxiety problems if I keep in mind that pretty much nobody is like a real physical threat to me. Maybe lol is the only one who could beat me up badly but hes pretty chill. I keep imagining people as bigger and scarier than me though so Im just afraid if they will hurt me. But that’s probably not very rational, is it?

I think that I conflate my memories of being scared of people in school who could very realistically beat me up even for little reason (some boys ganged up on and busted the lip of another one in 4th grade with zero provication, in the bathroom, they just wanted to do it to somebody and he was alone and lacked social standing to protect him) and those who could potentially be unhappy with me online. I remember also going to the bathroom and they were looking under the door to see the color of my shoes. Trying to scout me. I thought that they would also jump me because I also lacked social standing but surprisingly they didnt. I still don’t know why

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In hindsight i think that kid they beat up is autistic. He showed a lot of traits which I now know relate to autism. Nobody was aware of these concepts back then (still isnt), so he was just seen as extremely weird and offputting. So I think they treated him as if he was doing it on purpose

how does may scare you what

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in fact thinking about it how the fuck do I scare you

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or you could recognize that you aren’t even gonna be in contact with these people in real life so it doesn’t matter


I couldn’t im 175cm and i don’t like fighting

i am not a threat

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my way of coping is by putting on the thigh highs


May stands up for herself (which i think is a good trait and i respect her for it), im just afraid of the chances of finding myself in a confrontation. I try hard to avoid them

You scare me a bit because i struggle to predict what you will say or do or think. If i manage to predict you better, get a better read on you, i would be less scared


kids are fucked up man

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ah the classic fear of the unknown

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When you talk with someone online dont you imagine them in front of you, in the same room?

i used to have constant fights with an autistic kid because we hated eachother for no reason and we were the weakest out of everyone (he was really physically weak and i was a year younger than everyone)

kids are fucked up


you are all just little gay people in the phone

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no i imagine this



yeah people dont fucking exist

even people in real life that you meet you wont come in contact that often so it does not matter

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be cringe and own it, tutuu

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