17776th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

nyaaaaaaa I haven’t read that
I have heard a bit of that joke tho tbhtbhtbthbt but I forgot about it nya

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I like 42


For the same reasons as Ash

Number superiority based on literary references >>>


You should read it Zugzwang

also sad I missed cookie just barely AGAIN :(


not really no

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i can’t believe most of you don’t understand the meaning of the universe
bit unfortunate really


the question was not which number you like the best it’s which number is the most aesthetically pleasing. unless all the hitchhiker’s guide fans also think 42 is the most aesthetically pleasing number of the bunch, they have all failed to understand the question and clearly do not understand the secret of the universe or whatever


in a way that gives pleasure through beauty.

i would hope the meaning of the universe is both pleasurable and beautiful


but arguably it is the most aesthetically pleasing once you understand it encapsulates the whole universe
that is a beauty you can’t have with another number

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okay but this is also from a work of fiction. and the point is that the robot answered the wrong question. you do understand these things right

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42 is also a neat number.
7 comes second.

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11 is cool, and a lot of multiples of 9 are really cool too.

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i like 0 second most i think
it encapsulates a lot of interesting theories and is often misunderstood by others


Thoughts on 117?

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it sounds kinda neat

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Someone once described David Letterman as 117, and I can’t unsee it.

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+0 or -0?

thats like asking if i meant +1 or -1
its kinda pointless really

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69 unironically because it looks like yin yang

sad it’s ruined by reddit

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actually 0 means the same thing as -0, but +0 is ontologically distinct (opinion that apparently at least one tumblr user has)

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