17776th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

with the powers of your friend and looking stuff up combined…

it’s sweet of you to not question my original score. thanks for believing in me bestie <3

i assumed ash’s was the maximum

okay what the hell

i took it yesterday and got top 40% and it called me a 14 year old in america so i wasnt keen on sharing that

but i haven’t eaten at all yet and im dizzy but i got a perfectly mediocre score this time


'm aware there should be a bit of a jump because i guessed different things this time but a 34% one was. unexpected

also i knew a lot more today for some reason

i did alot better than im not good at words

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also got quite high but I’m pretty sure for every single one I got wrong I knew every single word option except the one they had chosen lol

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jjk manga spoilers

i fucking can’t anymore
gege when i catch you

of all the people to revive what sane human being picks kenjaku???

If you knew 3 of them wouldnt that mean you can PoE the unknown one?

So true.

No like I knew all 4 but not the word I was having to guess the synonym/antonym of

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just just kidding manga

The Magnus Archives Episodes 55-65 spoilers

"supplemental: i don’t know how she did it, i got her to run a few lines of code, claiming i locked myself out of my laptop, and something about command lines and administrative privileges but i now. have. access. i’m almost afraid of-

hey, where did you put the- oh. sorry. didnt mean to disturb you while you were being suspicious. no, no, i’ll catch you when you’re not scheming.


I hope my future gf is very mean to me


Unless you start showering there’s not gonna be a future gf


Hi cookiers im gay


hi gay I’m orangeandblack5

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hello chloe

how have u been