20020th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

i dreamt of being far away
on an island in the hills in the dark
i saw the northern lights again
its so much clearer outside of the light

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he got a new mic probably. silly airhead may

I precisely do not ever introduce myself as bisexual despite the word technically applying to me because bisexual women are typically rounded to be primarily straight


No it’s not the mic it’s the enunciation



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my dreams have been getting stranger. less connected. until last night at least. im back to bus dreams. long long night of traveling and getting trapped far from home

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There’s significant mic changes here obviously but his enunciation is completely different

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i still have a fever. illness doesn’t want to clear my system


oh what the fuck i just got alot of my hearing back


oh i think you’re right. ahhh that first video you linked is so nostalgic :weary:. i love that series too. we both watched the same stuff heheh :blush:

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not All but enough to the point i can hear the intricacies of music again instead of just one big smudge


Okay now its All


…how strange.


test dlc

Personality Type
According to studies by Gerber and associates (Yale University), Raso and associates (Stanford), and others, your scores indicate that you are:

Likely to consume more entertainment or case-based (as opposed to societal or political) news reporting than the general population.
Likely to have less of an interest in politics than the general population.
Likely to get more of your political information from radio and TV, as opposed to from the internet.
Likely to be more interested in “after action” commentaries and reports from political debates, as opposed to watching the debates directly.
More likely than the general population to be a member of a political party.
Likely to watch a greater ratio of local (as opposed to national) news than the general population.
Less likely than the general population to let your commitment be guided by the issues that are likely to yield concrete personal payoffs in your life (as opposed to abstract ideological ones).
More likely than the general population to watch and enjoy late-night satire that ridicules politics and politicians.
More likely to keep informed on politics because you feel it is fun or exciting than because you feel it is a type of obligation or social duty.
Likely to take more risks with your health, diet, and lifestyle than the general population.
Likely to spend less time than the general population striving for career achievements, devoting yourself to hobbies and extra-professional activities as well.
Likely to waste more time procrastinating with internet games, social media etc. than the general population.
More likely than the general population to sign political petitions when asked to do so by friends.
Less likely than the general population to vote in each and every election.
More likely than the general population to make arguments to the speakers when attending political rallies and debates.
Likely to be more strategic and calculating than the general population in the presentation of your political views (i.e. what you disclose and how you disclose it; tailoring your message to your audience, etc.).
More likely than the general population to take an economics-oriented approach to environmental issues (i.e. growing the economic pie with fossil fuels now in order to be better able to pay for environmental policies in the future, instead of windmills, carbon restrictions, and taxes on industry now.).
Likely to be less swayed by a politician’s personality, interpersonal dealings, and prosocial behavior than by his actual politics.
Less likely to donate money to your preferred political candidate or party.
More likely than the general population to work as a volunteer for a national political party.
More likely than the general population in your country to take a positive view of immigration to your country.
More likely than the general population to be satisfied with your preferred political candidate’s performance while in office.





checks out

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i agree with the type it gave for everyone

I’d say I’m very immature too lol

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Libertarian??? Oh no