20020th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

why do you get to be on a team with the cat

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I can’t associate myself with the people who don’t know how to spell hilarious that was a typo I just missed pressing the a key


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i just get the worst case scenario where the cat trusts me but is suspicious of my demon from day 1

and i have to defend a slot with 5 posts

I’ve beaten the cat normalstyle too!! No excuses

…my team was Magnus Hazzy and tutuu though

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ill get to it

lilith phrase

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Benguined do you remember everything everyone says because of quizzical bowl or is it the other way around

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technically i can throw host decisions such as “not killing 5 players on night 2” and “not letting me be the demon” under the bus


never my fault!

i’m not actually sure

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Actually I got it from my friend Kelly but yeah

I like it it’s like having an individual in the May fandom around you know all the backstory. Except it’s not just for me it’s for everyone

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and who did Kelly get it from? me

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Somebody has yet again tried to FM-Ify botc and it’s gonna go horribly