20020th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

Trains. Good old fashioned trains. High speed rail.

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crack cocaine and running shoes

Jetpacks were apparently popularized by two guys trying to get government contract money. They ran this insane PR campaign, traveling around the US doing demonstrations with a working prototype jetpack, and it popularized the concept. They aren’t really practical though, and I don’t think they ever got the money. However they were successful enough to make people think about jetpacks and want jetpacks.


god bless those fuckers for tryin to get a piece of the US defense budget


getting carried on someones back

lord knows if i wanted to scam anybody it’d be the US military industrial complex

billions on the table and you can just not deliver


“I know we just missed another deadline and are way over budget, but we’re 90% there and we just need another 2 billion dollars. You’ve already given us 26 billion, and you’d just be wasting all that money now. Do you really want to explain that in your next election, senator, or do you want to say you brought the US military into this future with jetpacks?”


Sunk cost fallacy, my beloved.

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“Senator, when the chinese roll up to Los Angeles with jet packs, you will have to answer for the lacking jetpack parity. So just sign here and we’ll get those chinese bastards with our USA made jet packs”


That’s so funny

The sunk cost fallacy

Fuck I got beat

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I am losing

Bro forgot lord of typhon

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i do often try to forget it true

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smogon voter fraud still wild


somehow not as wild as the person who meme voted against what they actually wanted and ended up being the deciding vote


Sauron voter fraud…

Kroger is apparently rolling out electronic price labeling and using facial recognition so they can do surge pricing (e.g. water bottles would be more expensive when it’s really hot out) and maximally charge you based on what it thinks you individually can pay.

I love technology