usually it doesn’t matter but lab courses, project-based courses, or those with very limited physical space in a room (remember, this is relative to fire code, not to visual space) have every right to kick you out
Correction: They usually won’t stop you
This is why I specified “lecture hall” rather than classroom
I’ve had lectures in lecture halls that needed to start kicking out people who weren’t actually in the class because we were over the fire marshal limit
Smaller classes you can be a problem. But large lectures you can just go in there
notably this was orgo, actually
Damn fucked up. Never had that happen
Just find classes that don’t take mandatory attendance.
Never close to full.
Yeah our classes are never full lol
that one had no attendance
2022 most dedicated players going to lectures over here
well it was 2018
it was a different time
Mafia lectures run by 2023 Best Scum May Lastname that people come to just to network.
Guess you have to go to lectures in a more difficult orgo class. I mean I like really need to stop talking about how orgo here is for babies/children, this realisation was sparked by the fact that two people I know are failing it (they are not 2022 most dedicated players and this is at least 66% their own fault) and I was like oh right you can fail this class
I assume there was less, like, precedent for putting all the lecture shit online pre-covid, right? Would make it more important
Well it’s still kind of for babies/children and they’re just sub-babies/children but don’t tell them I said this
Chem I here is like crazy I didn’t take it cause APs but even perfectly good students I know were getting Bs I don’t know what they put in there
To be clear by “perfectly good students” I mean “exceptional students majoring in chemistry who are otherwise straight-A students”. It’s normal for perfectly good students to get Bs
How are you this obsessed with chemistry and you get a B. The fuck is in that course. I still don’t know
I mean this is the university of bad grades but like stillllll c’mon