21074th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

thanks for reminding me drabble duel exists lmao


does anyone have any differing opinions about fam

i think

  • i liked quotes over descriptions of characters, but i understand how they don’t work anymore
  • fam3 had better roles than fam4

i think this largely comes down to when you make that many roles you need filler but it was obviously planned to be a big game which im largely leaning against nowadays

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…and a lot of the roles didnt do anything creative, along with the new mechanics being largely okay or a bust


I think Superlikes should’ve been a more flavor/townsided mechanic, though the GMs have noted this as being a point they hope to consider going forward.


I think roles across the board were fairly solid?
Like, there were some really good ones - I really liked all the QBCord people ones, I thought my role was good if passive, and I thought Someone’s role was really interesting - and I can’t remember any stinkers.
My big qualm was with Enigmatic meaning that you couldn’t even hint what your role was, which kinda led me to become a lot more detached from the game (I figured that if I got pushed, I wouldn’t be able to defend myself properly anyways).

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Perhaps aspects of a role could be Enigmatic?
Like, “cop who can’t directly claim their targets”?

im starting to appreciate the taste of beer and wine. does that mean im growing old? fuuuckk

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your tastebuds will change throughout your life


the one constant to never change is atlas being sheldon cooper :blush: :heart:



chat we ball

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okay i’ll just leave you to panick next time



i think enigmatic is fine if you let them claim enigmatic

i wanted a few wolves to soft enigmatic but it’s like. what’s the point if that kinda stuff is gonna go over town’s head anyway. if you could directly claim enigmatic it would be an easy out and a free fakeclaim for wolves


Events were cool.
Kinda wished they were a bit more out-there in terms of chaos; I really liked the events in the second half of FAM versus the first half ones about designing banners and all.

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Yeah, that as well.
Not being able to claim Enigmatic sucked.

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i enjoyed fam3 more than fam4 because in fam3 we stomped and in fam4 i got chopped day 1


the majority were taken from fam3 which was fine, but i really wanted to see some new ones

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why did tutuu get chopped day one? Is he polarized?


just wait until i get my hands on you…

This is also probably a really bad idea, but I think multiball might work really, really well for an FAM game given the number of players and the amount of KP in play?