Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

I’m never admitting what this is unprompted and I’m answering no questions about it. However if you guess what it is out of the blue (I do not expect this to happen) I will confirm it



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political axis


if it is that then wtf


If I am on the right side of any political axis I’m gonna be offended on principle

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that doesnt count she was quoting someone else


why do u remember that from almost a year ago stalker boy ;-;

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no they weren’t! go check the post

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that is something apo says very frequently and apo is like two posts above

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I’ve never seen that post before
I searched your posts for nya

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how can we guess it then may may

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oooooh smartie :blush:

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i’m guessing the up-down axis is something along the lines of posts liked to post seen ratio

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I don’t expect you to. I just want you to see it

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THAT being said I do love remembering posts from way too long ago for no good reason

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ok top left is people who may shoot someone
and bottom right is kumbaya nerds

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i’m a little too low but hey maybe there are some people with more apathy in their hearts than me

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ill do the same in fam4 wolf chat ill just let you take a sneak peek but i wont let you read it im sure you’ll enjoy that wouldn’t you dear may may?

X axis is evil → good
Y axis is chaotic (top) and lawful (bottom)

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