24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

From Code Geass

is that a generic isekai anime


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my thoughts on cruella (2021):

overall 6.5/10. it was fun


  • i rolled my eyes at some moments. the protagonists were a bit of gary sues and mary sue. it was repeated a bit too much, they had an impenetrable plot armor, unending genius and resources and skill
  • the humor / vibe / talking was a bit overused. it was overly sarcastic / sassy / aristocratic. that fits the theme perfectly, but i feel like they overdid it a bit, it made me feel like im watching teenagers trying to act cool to impress others, at a few points
  • the supporting cast had no real humanity or purpose to them other than being allies / servants to the protagonist. they felt a bit robotic


  • it was entertaining. the aesthetics were fun. morally ambiguous protagonists are always the most fun; refreshing from the norm
  • the plot was interesting. i wont spoil it, but it was average to good
  • it got me interested in fashion and clothing, which is the first time ive ever felt an interest. i wish they focused even more on the clothes themselves and explain to the viewers in a bit more detail, since i imagine most viewers would have 0 experience like me. i personally would have wished they used fashion less like a plot point, but more to just talk about fashion and show me interesting things and even, dare i say, teach the viewers about fashion. explain to me why this dress works and looks good, and why this one doesn’t. i think that would have been really engaging

also a general commentary about a movie trope which holds a spoiler for this movie


i dont like, but i understand, the extremely common trope of the protagonist forgiving villains who are murderers, and often killed relatives of the protagonists. it happened here too. people dont write vengeful protagonists too often because movies can impact people, and if the message of “kill people who wronged you” is communicated often that might lead to a worse world than the message “forgive those who wronged you”. for the sake of enjoying the movie it is offputting to me, though. the motivation to forgive is unrealistic. if somebody murdered your mother and you had an opportunity for revenge by murdering them back - you take it. its the most sensible thing. they caused you and your family harm, they are homicidal and might murder more people - if you cant get the police to lock them up you just need to murder them, i feel like that’s a realistic motivation, especially for a character portrayed as morally ambiguous / evil at times like cruella

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revenge will only lead to your life being empty and you having gained nothing. haven’t you ever seen read dead redemption

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that’s a video game. and what you said is the most common line people say in movies in situation like this. if i was in the protagonist’s shoes i would hard disagree. if somebody murdered my mother and for some movie plot related reasons i couldnt get them to prison - im going to try to kill them. i would feel unhappy if my mother’s murderer roamed free. i would feel horrible for letting him go away. my mother would do the same for me

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think thats just you ideologically disagreeing with the movie director and script writers


i think that the movie directors and script writers are limited in their creative freedom because writing bloodthirsty / murderous protagonists would reduce the audience a movie could be shown to. PG-13 movies can be shown to a wider audience than R-rated movies and so they tend to perform much better financially. people have full creative freedom only in small indie movies, and as solo artists (manga artists, etc). when they dont have a large group of people they need to answer for, and large sums of money at stake. this is why you’ll see all kinds of crazy stuff happen in manga - because its just 1 person drawing it, its their story, they will do whatever they want. and well, to be fair, japan has much different laws and culture about R-rated stuff. they show blood and murder what not to children

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nobody wanted to finance deadpool 1 and 2 (or just 1). Ryan Reynolds paid almost the entirety of it from his own pocket

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I wouldn’t definitely kill them. It’s not like I’d never consider it but I wouldn’t consider it a plothole for somebody not to try

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I think your own nature is blinding you to the fact that other people think different

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Right, I was exaggerating / projecting what’s obvious to me. Because the opposite is always shown

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I think I can not use spoiler for this one

Top 10 highest grossing movies:

I haven’t seen all of them, or most of them even, but I would be surprised if any of those movies show blood

I don’t really care about the highest grossing movies one way or another very much

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id be surprised if avengers star wars and jurassic world didnt

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I think it’s neither a wholly positive thing nor the downfall of society that popular thing shallow

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spoilers for the top 10

people die in avatar (the show at least) titanic star wars avengers jurassic world (maybe spiderman) and the lion king

the only one which i don’t expect it is inside out 2

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I don’t think a movie not showing blood is shallow. It was in support of a prior argument I made


That I believe writers and directors don’t have full creative freedom. If writers and directors had full creative freedom, at all times (hypotethical alternate universe), then I believe we would see different morals from movie protagonists. I can’t prove it obviously, I just think so

No I know. I’m not saying not showing blood itself is the sole shallow thing, I’m saying the “not having full creative control” is the shallow thing

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