24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

Obviously it is much better for me to eat than to not eat. And I am not so bad about it these days thanks to habit. I’ve wondered if I have, like, some kind of food intolerances I’m not properly aware of that make me feel worse when I eat? That could be part of it. But elimination dieting is really hard when you, don’t eat enough

as said i have that same thing too and i think it generates from my eating disorder which basically is not liking food without being particularly (i am but not at the time of diagnosis) disturbed about its effect on your body

knowing your medical record that is probably my first thought

Being constantly this way also means I tend to eat a lot of sweets, because if I’m constantly slightly malnourished I need, like. Fast sugar energy all the time. And that’s the thing supplementing my diet enough to keep me alive, pretty much, is eating ice cream and cupcakes and such all the time

that is something i used to do all the time yes

I also just have like really low appetite, generally. So even when I try I find it difficult to eat enough in one sitting to eat a normal person amount. When I’m at home I’ll usually take dinner and eat it over the course of a few hours, like I’ll just leave my plate there and come back to it an hour later when I can physically eat more. Unfortunately the structure of usual normal people meals is not accommodating for this

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fol (as seen on hit mafia site fol) hasn’t been ran in an eternity
even the violently butchered spinoff is growing cobwebs


I think LFoL does it justice

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a more strict review system was the death of fun. miss the days when games where truly, truly horrible and fucked up rolemadness and would get 27 players


do i have a mafia circuit for you


Neutral Bot Commander


People on this site these days are cowards and it makes the mafia game design worse tbhhhtbhtbhthbhbhbhthbh

It’s also bad to go too far in the other direction but most games feel like nobody is having any fun with it

can’t think of any time we went too far
every horrible fucked up design was enjoyable purely because of how stupid it was

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except bot commander.
fuck that role.

Maybe not you. But ummm, girls, did you know, that All kills this game are strongman and ninja.

you weren’t even there for the fucking unkillable godfather that was arguably worse


also “all kills this game are strongman and ninja” was not even close to that game’s worst balance sin


/ITA Mist

argument for most bullshit FM happening in any game of my career

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