24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

why didn’t they make a custom cover for this one

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Would it be possible for me to be a dog


didn’t you buy cat ears literally last week


i think via the fact you are capable of typing and assumedly a wide vary of more human emotions unless there was some significant development in dog evolution when I wasn’t looking


I’m not asking this as a question of, like, interest, it’s a genuine inquiry. Like am I inherently integrally cat or did I choose this nature at some point

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you literally have a dog if you were meant to be a dogperson you would be one


i mean i think like there’s some degree of overlap between cat/dog people as weird as it seems which establishes it as a spectrum which means it’s probably not inherent

ownign a dog doesnt make u a dogperson. that would imply like every dogowner is a dogperson. im an authority on this manner

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i acknowledge the truth of this but how many non-dogperson dogowners would be dogpeople if they didn’t own dogs. is being a dogperson even ontologically possible for them

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that’s the question here

doesnt may own a dog named lucky

i mean like i feel like a majority of non-dogperosn dogowners would not be dogpeople if they didn’t own dogs bc those aren’t necessairly related things. u can be a dogperson without owning a dog. i dont really own one rn since im at college and that dont change me

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yes that’s why i’m asking. if not even owning a dog can make you a dogperson is there any hope

nothing makes u a dogperson. its a lifestyle. u wouldn’t get it

arf arf


oh i must’ve misread because i figured it wouldnt make sense otherwise

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Chat, I really wanna get Metaphor Re:Fantazio.
It’s fantasy Persona.

then do as much

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Hasn’t released yet, and even once it does, I don’t have a console I can play it on.

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Windows only moment.