24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

dogs do

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okay so
ive been thinking about this for quite an hour
i did have to use a not-insignificant amount of filler but i did get it done

the problem is that its a pretty big spoiler for a plotpoint in a show im watching, called The Magnus Archives, which is a horror show

if you’re fine with that here you go

Magnus Archives (Redacted) Tierlist

Magnus Archives “Fears” Tierlist

reasoning + explainations
The Hunt

described inlore as an animalistic fear, its kingly Hunting animals, killing each other, chasing, and predators. most people were chosen as a cop out of “yeah they’d probably be scared if people were trying to kill them” but some also weren’t sooo

The Corruption

Disgust, rot, decay, infection, skin crawling and twisting, being touched by what might crawl inside you

bear with me

tutuu - terrible joke because i couldnt figure out another one they’d fit in. and it’s not like i can put them in stranger because of that, its like a triangle block that needs a square hole that isnt there
zug/benguined/beancat/squirrel - there was several eposides featuring the corruption taking ahold of computer sites… so yes this is literally a programming joke
wazza - hey did you know copious alcohol consumption is bad for you
gorta - …one of the other episodes featured a tree that was rotting. okay look it was the clos-

The Stranger

The unknown, the uncanny, that kinda creeping sense that something is wrong. The guy you saw that might be following you, meaning you harm

Magnus - for all the buzz i make about “do any of you really know anything about me” magnus alludes me in such a frustrating way. i probably know more about them then i know of most of you, and i know things they didn’t directly tell me, but i just cant grasp something

someone - we don’t really know their real story, as much as its probably assumable

amelia - i just dont know much about them

hazardwaste - “We’ve got a package for you.”

The Web

Spiders and will, control, puppeting

achro - its a fear about control and puppeteering of course he’s here
app - read above
litten - i think they just sorta fit this bill more than anything else
catbae - … i think hes good at mafia?
kyodaz - so if ladygaga was the web, i think kyo would be the puppeted. okay look i do have some interesting explainations

The Desolation

Burning, loss, Fear of unthinking or cruel destruction

The Spiral

Fear of madness, worry that the world isn’t right, that it’s lying to you

Keldi - my only experience with xem is in TOMMYGUN when they played a hammed up version of one of their headmates who just about fits this bill

The Vast

Vertigo, agoraphobia, Fear of deep water, of our own insignificance before the universe

i feel like these are people who would largely recognize insignificance and be fine with it. more specifics are

littlelee - he’s the adventuring sort, who’d probably like the sky and such

The End


italy - i feel like this one fits their serial killer persona a bit more than the hunt does.

The Dark

…The Dark.

some of these people i think would be afraid of it, some just remind me of it

The Lonely

Feeling that you’re just alone. Nobody else there at all, cannot connect

The Buried

Claustrophobia, small spaces, crushing, can’t breathe, center of everything that pushes on you.

i feel like these people in particular would have a special fear of feeling trapped, or are

zone - this is referencing his customary way of dealing with characters he doesnt want to think about anymore

The Slaughter

War, not cruel or unstoppable, just pure violence, chaotic unpredictable violence. Sometimes aggressive, sometimes calm

two of these are bad jokes about jokes at others being “slaughtering them” and the other is frostwolf103

The Flesh

Animals Fear. Not complicated, fear of being eaten. Pigs, cows, chicken. Mixed up with human minds, can be twisted into humans becoming abstract meaty creatures. New fear.

Marshal and Ash - Vegetarians/Vegans (forgot which marissa is)
Leafia - would probably disapprove of the way animals are treated if she was warned of it
geyde/n.1 - these are referencing a specific story of the flesh about somebody constantly seeking self improvement. moreso applies to n.1
may - constant persistence and aptitude for pain

The Eye

Being watched, Being followed, having your deepest secrets exposed, needing to know, even if the discovery might destroy you, letting you suffer so something out there can watch

atlas - i would like to pretend i went back and forth on this because a lot of these fit me, but i’m currently making another list to try to categorize other people into their own little boxes for the fun of it, after saying my immense desire to learn more about other people. other ones would be fear of the corruption, the stranger, the web, fear of the desolation, fear of the spiral, fear of the vast, fear of the buried, the lonely
nbow and arete - both of them are knowledgeable people who seem to both desire and revel in said knowledge

this isn’t exactly my best work but i felt like i sorta had to do it


I should start wearing a dogtail and ears, just to fuck with people


You should also start walking on all fours and panting just to mess with people further


Very cute thanks for sharing :blush:

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hey tutuu what deadly sin would you be out of the 7
i think i’m envy





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@Arctic which one would you be between envy, pride and wrath?


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May isnt for eating Silviu…

…Then what is for eating me?

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:brain: :question:

you can always use the concept Incineroar

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(You forgot a comma, brickhead)

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Bahahahaahah a girl just sent me this exact same gif after i told her shes cute 30 min ago :joy:



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arctic is adorable in the way they respond to things